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VNBookDrive Website создатель Mind Map: VNBookDrive Website

1. Common Menu

1.1. Home

1.1.1. Current news

1.1.2. Link to current campaign

1.1.3. Brief Introduction

1.1.4. Important links to other parts

1.2. General Info

1.2.1. About (Introduction)

1.2.2. How to help

1.2.3. Local Contacts

1.3. Partners

1.3.1. VEF & VEFFA

1.3.2. Foreign Orgs

1.3.3. Vietnam Orgs

2. Campaign Menu

2.1. Campaign General Info

2.1.1. Goals

2.1.2. Campaign Results (past campaigns only)

2.2. Campaign Update (current campaign only)

2.3. Acknowledgement

2.3.1. Book Donors

2.3.2. Financial Support

2.3.3. Active Member (?)

3. Notes

3.1. Bold nodes with this icon means a separate page.

3.2. Otherwise content items.