Earth and Space

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Earth and Space by Mind Map: Earth and Space

1. Space

1.1. G6: Space

1.1.1. earth is part of a large interrelated system technological and scientific advances that enable humans to study space affect our lives

1.2. G9: SNC1P/D

1.2.1. Different types of celestial objects in the solar system and universe have distinct properties that can be investigated and quantified.

1.2.2. People use observational evidence of the properties of the solar system and the universe to develop theories to explain their formation and evolution.

1.2.3. Space exploration has generated valuable knowledge but at enormous cost.

1.3. G12: 12 SES4U

1.3.1. Astronomy (Science of the Universe) • The development of more sophisticated technologies has enabled us to achieve a deeper, more thorough understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe. • Scientific theories about the universe are refined and altered as new evidence is discovered. Planetary Science (Science of the Solar System) • Space exploration and the technologies that have been developed to facilitate it have had positive and negative effects on society, the economy, and the environment. • Space exploration presents many hazards. • Interactions among bodies within the solar system have an impact on the existence of life.

2. Earth

2.1. Envornment

2.1.1. G1: Daily and Seasonal changes changes occur in daily and seasonal cycles changes in daily and seasonal cycles affect living things

2.1.2. G5: Conservation of energy and resources energy sources arne either renewable or non renewable energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be transformend choices aobut using energy and resources have both immediate and long-term impacts conservation is one way of reducing the impacts of using energy resources

2.1.3. G7 Heat in the envornment heat is a form of enengy that can be transformed and transferre. Thes processes can be explained using particle theory of matter there are many sources of heat heat has both positive and negative effects on the environment

2.1.4. G10: SNC1P/D • Earth's climate is dynamic and is the result of interacting systems and processes. • Global climate change is influenced by both natural and human factors. • Climate change affects living things and natural systems in a variety of ways. • People have the responsibility to assess their impact on climate change and to identify effective courses of action to reduce this impact.

2.1.5. G12: SES4U Recording Earth's Geological History • Earth is very old, and its atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere have undergone many changes over time. • Changing conditions on Earth over time have had positive and negative effects on life on the planet.

2.2. Composition

2.2.1. G2: Air and Water in the Envornment air and water are a mahor part of the envorinment living things need air and water to survive changes to air and water affect living things our actions affect the quatily of air and waterm and its abiliyt to sustain life

2.2.2. G3: Soils in the Envornment soil is made up of living and non living things the composition, characteristics and condition of soil determine its capacity to sustain life soil in an essential source of life and nutrients for many living things living things, including humans, interact with soils and can cause positive or negative changes

2.2.3. G4: Rocks and Minerals rocks and minerals have uniques characteristice and properties that are a result of how they were formed the properties of rocks and minerals derermine society's possible uses for them our use of rocks and minerals affects the environment

2.2.4. G8: Water systems water is crucial to live on earth water systems influence climate and weather patterns water is an important rewource that needs to be managed sustainable

2.2.5. G12: SES4U Earth Materials • Exploration for and extraction and refining of materials from below the surface of Earth have positive and negative effects on the economy, society, and the environment. • Different types of rocks have different origins, properties, characteristics, and uses. Geological Processes • Earth's lithosphere is constantly changing as the result of natural phenomena and human activity. • Specialized technologies have enabled us to increase our knowledge and understanding of Earth's structure and have improved the ability of scientists to monitor and predict changes in the lithosphere.