Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) создатель Mind Map: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

1. Affective Network

1.1. “Why we learn what we learn” (Laureate Education, 2009a).

1.1.1. Processes emotions, motivation, interests, and evaluates patterns to identity what is important.

2. Resources

2.1. CAST, Inc. (2002-2011). Teaching Every Student: Tools and Activities. Retrieved from http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/

2.1.1. Hose, D., Gravel, J., & Domings, Y. (2009). UDL Unplugged. Retrieved July 12, 2016, from National Center on Universal Design for Learning, http://www.udlcenter.org Laureate Education (Producer). (2009a). Reaching and engaging all learners through technology: Brain research and Universal Design for Learning [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Laureate Education (Producer). (2009b). Universal Design For Learning. Baltimore, MD: Author.

3. The Brain is One Big Integrate Network (Laureate Education, 2009a).

4. Every student is unique

4.1. There is not just one regular student, there is no simple nervous system that is the right one ( Laureate Education, 2009a).

4.1.1. Educators need to teach a combination of all three learning types to better meet the needs of all students. As an educator, it is important to create lessons that meets all students and taps into all different brain networks (Laureate Education, 2009a). Learning and understanding the different networks of the brain, it is evident that a variety in our instruction is the key to learning (Rose & Meyer, 2002).

5. Diversity & UDL

5.1. UDL provides guidelines to create lessons that focus on all aspects of diversity in the classroom (Laureate Education, 2009b).

5.1.1. UDL supports cultural, ethnic, academic, and linguistic diversity Creating lessons that impact all brain networks is key. For example: In a cell lesson, recognition networks will be triggered by using prior knowledge and creating a plant/animal cell on a technology device. Strategic networks will be utilized when students organize & plan their cell model. Affective networks will be triggered by students’ emotional connection and analyzing different students’ cell models

6. Technology Role in UDL

6.1. Technology is a powerful tool that provides ways for teachers to incorporate multiple representations and ways to engage and meet the needs of students.

6.1.1. Online research indicates students’ flexibility in how they learn, which creates multiple representations for the classroom (Laureate Education, 2009b).

7. CAST online tools/resources

7.1. Cast Science Writer:

7.1.1. This resource is a helpful guide for Middle School and High School students in creating reports and scaffolds the writing process. This would be a great feature for Science fair in Middle School. The process is broken down for students to focus on one aspect at a time. There is support in sentence starters to initiate the writing, as well as text to speech for students to hear what they are typing. Also, there is a journal entry to write thoughts, comments for when the students to return back to work they can help clarify where they were at.

7.2. Isolveit  http://isolveit.cast.org/home

7.2.1. Math resource that involves puzzles to develop logical and reasoning skills. The collection involves digital-tablet based puzzles that have been designed using the principals of UDL. Puzzles allow for flexibility and offer scaffolds and support through learning.

7.3. UDL Curriculum Tookit http://udl-toolkit.cast.org/home

7.3.1. This web-based software allows for publication of curricula to address learner variability. The software helps developers facilitate this process by providing the tools needed to create flexible, responsive curricula from the start

8. Strategic Network

8.1. Processes actions and plans for those actions so our students can plan a project and provide action in order to getting the project done.

9. Recognition Network

9.1. Shows that part of our brain functions from recognizes different patterns.

9.1.1. The brain organizes from the senses of hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and seeing.

10. UDL is a set of guidelines for curriculum development that provides all students equal opportunities to learn (Meo, 2008).

10.1. Reduces barriers & creates levels of challenge to meet the needs of all students (National Center, 2011).

10.1.1. UDL takes advantage of the power of technology to provide multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement (6 ways). Organized according to 3 main principals

11. Principal 1:Representation

11.1. Learners are different in the way they perceive & comprehend material. For example: students have different sensory disabilities, cultural differences, learning disabilities, etc.

11.1.1. Providing options for representation is essential (6 ways). Instructional example: In a plant lesson, students can use sensory modalities such as feeling the plant, smelling the plant, and perhaps hearing the plant. The different senses of touch (size, shape, texture, temperature) provides students with options to perceive, acquire, and succeed (Hose, Gravel, & Domings, 2009).

12. Principal 2: Action & Expression

12.1. Learners are different in the way they navigate a learning environment and expressing what they learned/know (National Center, 2011).

12.1.1. Providing options for action & expression are essential (6 ways). Instructional example: In a plant lesson, students can choose from a variety of tools to investigate the plant such as magnifying glass, shovel, microscope, water, etc. which provides students to choose & use tools in authentic settings Offering a word wall that displays important vocabulary terms and encourages students to communicate using correct terminology (Hose et al., 2009).

13. Principal 3: Engagement

13.1. Learner are different in the way they are engaged and motivated to learn (National Center, 2011).

13.1.1. Sources that can influence are culture, subjectivity, personality, etc. Providing options for engagement is essential (6 ways). Instructional example: In a plant lesson, to recruit interest by having a physical plant to explore is justifiable. Students can explore themselves or watch other students to build up exploration.

14. Potential Impact on Students

14.1. Not all students connect with what is being taught with a textbook, lecture, video. Students have limitations & distractions and one way to bridge this gap is through adapting a curriculum to meet all learners needs(6 ways).

14.1.1. The variety of instructional practices, materials, and learning allows for our students to demonstrate what they know Following the basic principles above can help us as a schooldesign a course in which all students, regardless of ability or learning style, have the resources to succeed.