1. Management
1.1. Relationship Management
1.1.1. Personal Relation "Influence of altruism to the party without reciprocity on society considering influence on the third party" "Affect and Communication: Perspectives of Information and Emotion Communication" "Factors Influencing People’s Perception on Appropriateness of Affect Communication" "Influence of altruism to the party without reciprocity on society considering influence on the third party" "The Approach of the Story Co-creating System for Developing Perspective-taking of Children" Towards a better understanding of psychological states: A sensor-based approach to estimate human behavior Unobtrusive estimation of psychological states based on human movement observation "質感により想起される感情とそのコミュニケーションへの応用" "Emotion Evoked by Texture and Application to Emotional Communication"
1.1.2. Social Relation Close to You: Awarness system to present information suggesting human being and existance with natural mapping Identifying How a Group Member’s Behavior Influences Group Cohesion in Group Activities Factors Influencing People’s Perception on Appropriateness of Affect Communication An Exploration of Affective Factors Based on Text Mining Approaches "Decision Making Process of “Air of the Place”: The Model and Development of the Measurement of the Processing Skill" Factors determining the extent and consequence of emotional labor Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Group Work Satisfaction Research of Igokochi in group invoked by member's personality and mutual recognition/ 集団構成員のパーソナリティとその相互認識に起因する帰属集団の居心地に関する研究 Proposal of informal communication of remote family based on factors of "Productive Love"/ Productive Loveの要素に基づく遠隔家庭間のインフォーマルコミュニケーションシステムの提案 Research about the importance of the diversity of emotional and rational information processing trait / チームパフォーマンスに対する感情的および理性的情報処理特性の多様性の重要性に対する研究 The Appropriateness of Love Expressions in Social Network Sites: Cross-cultural Study between Japan and Finland The arousing possibility of Satisfaction and Indebtedness by indirect observation And their influence on altruistic reciprocity /他者支援状況を間接的に観測することによる満足感及び負債感の醸成可能性及びそれらが利他的互酬性に及ぼす影響
1.2. Marketing
1.2.1. The Japanese-expression effect: Specific Expressions Controls Decision Biases
1.2.2. Organization of Perceived Value of Products and Influences of Psychographic Factors on Perception of Product Value
1.2.3. Elements Constructing Omotenashi and Development of Omotenashi checklist
1.2.4. Defining Wow Marketing Communication Fators and Deelopment of Wow Marketing Communication Assesment Tool
1.2.5. Providing Customers with Affective Experiences: Perspectives for Design Factors and Management
1.2.6. "ネガティブな感情を活用した製品・サービスが よい感情経験を与える条件/" Study on condition that negative-emotion-used products or services provide good affective experience
1.2.7. 携帯電話の加速度センサを利用した感情推定方法の提案 Proposal of emotion evaluation method using cellphone acceleration sensor
1.2.8. Identifying the factors influencing on "WOW" experience and development of measurement tool of "WOW" experience/ ワオ・エクスペリエンスを与えるサービスの要因の特定と評価ツールの開発
1.2.9. Proposal of analysis method of structure of service and product using negative affect and analysis of relationship between structure and indivisual difference/ ネガティブな感情を活用した製品・サービスの構造の分析方法の提案と構造と個人差の関係の分析
1.2.10. The effects of involvement of affect toward product and retailer after purchsing product/ 製品購買後の製品と小売店に対して抱く感情への関与の影響
1.2.11. The Relation Analysis of User Impression and Emotion for Products/ 製品におけるユーザの印象と感情の関連分析
1.2.12. The influence of feeling to the shop on feeling to the product after purchase / 製品購買後の製品と小売店に対して抱く感情への関与の影響
1.2.13. The Influence of Individual Characteristics on the Attitude Formation Process of Customers Toward the Products/ 消費者の製品に対する態度形成プロセスに及ぼす 個人特性の影響
1.2.14. The Relationship Between Geek Propensity to Consume and Personality/ オタク的消費性向とパーソナリティの関係
1.2.15. The development of the way to evaluate what degree management can consider emotions from the stakeholders' aspect / 感情を考慮した経営の度合いをステークホルダーの観点から評価する手法の開発
1.2.16. 過度に感情的にならない口コミ投稿方法の提案
1.3. Creativity
1.3.1. Effects of Talk on Creativity: Theory and Verification
1.3.2. Development of the Team Creative Efficacy Scale and Investigation of Factors Influencing on Team Creative Efficacy
1.3.3. Implementation of the moderate supporting system for divergent thinking by showing images continually with text-based genetic algorithm
1.4. Place
1.4.1. Defining “Igokochi” Factors and Development of “Igokochi” Assessment Tool
1.4.2. Affective Well-being in the Workplace: Perspectives of Top Management and Employee
1.4.3. Proposal of fragrance system encouraging natural calm affective experience in daily scene / 日常的な場面で自然に穏やかな感情経験を促すフレグランスシステムの提案
1.5. Company Management
1.5.1. Proposal of measurement tool by text mining of how deep managers consider affect/ 経営の中で感情が考慮されている度合いをテキストマイニングを用いて評価する方法の提案
1.5.2. The effects of middle managers' strategy involvement and coping style of conflict on tendency of affective experience / 中間管理職の戦略への関与とコンフリクトの処理スタイルが感情経験の傾向に与える影響
1.5.3. 職場の感情的雰囲気に影響を与える心理的要因/Psychological Factors that Influence Affective Climate in Workplace
2. Human
2.1. Elderly
2.1.1. Older Adults’ Affective and Cognitive Factors and Information and Communication Technology
2.1.2. Older people and Computer media Communication technology in Shanghai Area
2.1.3. Effects of learning style and training method on technology acquisition of older adults
2.1.4. Technology acceptance model with social factors for older people.
2.1.5. "Virtual Realityによる身体所有感を保った身体体験が 高齢者の主観年齢に与える影響 " The Influence of a Physical Experience Keeping Body-Ownership on Subjective Age of Elderly People
2.2. Physiology
2.2.1. A study on the relationships between the performance of intuition and the state of the physical activity
2.2.2. A study on time-estimation model and its individual difference factors in mental task
2.2.3. Towards a better understanding of psychological states: A sensor-based approach to estimate human behavior
2.2.4. "自発的で簡単な行動の心理的時間への影響"/ Effect of spontaneous easy action on time perception
2.2.5. The Influence of Perceived Emotion of an Opponent on the Observer’s Emotion in a Non-face-to-face Situation
2.3. Personality
2.3.1. AMANOJYAKU behavior: Systematization of “amanojyaku behavior” and the relationships between “Amanojyaku behavior” and the personality
2.3.2. Influence of Pessimism and Mental Toughness on Depression Trend and Mass
2.3.3. The Research on the Application of the Personality Assessment of Behavior Analysis Using Sensor/ センサーを使った行動分析のパーソナリティ評価への応用に関する研究
2.3.4. The influence of recipient's personal characteristics on cooperative intention/ 協力を必要とする人の個人特性が協力意図に与える影響
2.4. Solo
2.4.1. To establish hamaru process model and to investigate the motivations in the hamaru process
2.4.2. "くすぐってもよい状態を検出しくすぐりを利用して笑顔を誘発するシステムの提案" / Proposal of the system that detect good timing to tickle and evoke smile by tickling
2.4.3. 腹腔鏡手術における外科医の視覚情報収集傾向の熟練度による差に関する研究/ Research of difference between proficiency of visual information collection tendency of phisician in a laparoscopic surgery
2.4.4. 「見守られている感」の要因の特定と内発的動機づけへの影響/ Factors of perception of being cared toward activities and its effect on intrinsic motivation
2.4.5. The Influence of Perceived Emotion of an Opponent on the Observer’s Emotion in a Non-face-to-face Situation
3. Design
3.1. Proposal of a Framework to Design/Evaluate User Experience
3.2. A study on similarity judgments in design rights infringement cases
3.3. Detection of emotional responses to visual stimuli based on pupil size changes
3.4. The Effect of Users' Individual Characteristics on the Spending Time in User Experience/ "ユーザの個人特性がユーザ・エクスペリエンスの 時間的変化に与える影響"
3.5. Proposal of the Network System for Auditory Information Access Considering the Priority of the Information under the Environment of Plural Sound/ 複数の音が存在する環境において情報の優先順位を考慮した聴覚情報アクセスのためのネットワークシステムの提案
3.6. The Research of Product Development Appoach for the Systematization of Perceived Quality and Its Realization/ 感性品質の体系化とその実現のための製品開発アプローチの研究
4. Technology
4.1. Robot
4.1.1. Elements Constructing People's Attitude toward Robots and Development of Robot Attitude Scale
4.1.2. Elements Constructing People's Attitude toward Robots and Development of Robot Attitude Scale
4.1.3. Influences of robot attitudes and robot characteristics on people's acceptance of robots: International comparison among Japan, China and Taiwan
4.1.4. "『噛む』ロボット: 言い間違いが人型ロボットの親和感に与える影響" "A Robot's Slip of the Tongue: Effect of Speech Error on the Familiarity of a Humanoid Robot"
4.1.5. The Relationship Between Development of Indicators to Measure Robots' Perception Characteristic and User Involvement/ ロボットの知覚特徴を測る指標の開発と ユーザの関与との関係
4.1.6. ロボットに対する認知的信頼と感情的信頼の特定の要因 Identification of cognitive and affective trust factors in Human-Robot interaction
4.1.7. 時間経過に伴う人間のロボットへの信頼の構築過程モデルと自尊感情が信頼に及ぼす影響 How Humans Develop Trust in Communication Robots: A Phased Model Based on Interpersonal Trust and Influence of trust by self-esteem
4.2. Elderly × Technology
4.2.1. Older Adults’ Affective and Cognitive Factors and Information and Communication Technology
4.2.2. Older people and Computer media Communication technology in Shanghai Area
4.2.3. Technology acceptance model with social factors for older people.
4.2.4. "高齢者のロボット態度及びコンピュータ態度とロボット利用との関係" Relation between elderly people’s attitude toward Robots and computer and use of Robots
4.2.5. "Virtual Realityによる身体所有感を保った身体体験が 高齢者の主観年齢に与える影響 " The Influence of a Physical Experience Keeping Body-Ownership on Subjective Age of Elderly People
4.2.6. 高齢者に話しかけてよいタイミングを 家庭用ロボットに検知させる手法の提案/Method for Domestic Robots to Detect Appropriate Timing to Initiate Conversation with Older Users
4.3. Human-Computer Interaction
4.3.1. Older Adults’ Affective and Cognitive Factors and Information and Communication Technology
4.3.2. Effectiveness of Advice Giving Methodolgy Based on Trainee's Exploratory Behavior Characteristics
4.3.3. Older people and Computer media Communication technology in Shanghai Area
4.3.4. Detection of computer users’ anxiety based on the time indices of mouse click operation.
4.3.5. Towards Better Technology Engagement and Well-being: Psychological Approaches
4.3.6. Personal factors influencing people's ICT interaction:A study of engagement,quality of experience, creativity and emotion
4.3.7. Age Differences in Personality Factors Influencing Usage of Computer-Mediated Communication
4.3.8. ユーザに「よい感情になってほしいと願う」プロダクト :その要因とユーザに与える感情経験 Products that 'wish good feelings of users': The factors and the emotional experience.
4.4. Virtual Reality
4.4.1. "Virtual Realityによる身体所有感を保った身体体験が 高齢者の主観年齢に与える影響 " The Influence of a Physical Experience Keeping Body-Ownership on Subjective Age of Elderly People