by Aadhith Kalathil Bose
1. Key Words
1.1. Feature
1.2. Background
1.3. Scenario
1.4. Given
1.5. When
1.6. Then
1.7. And
1.8. But
1.9. *
2. Testing Frame Work
3. Support BDD
3.1. Refinement of TDD and ATDD [not in the scope of this subject]
3.2. Thinking from "Outside in". Behavior not test implementation
3.3. Apply 5 Why's
3.4. Why using 5 why's
3.5. can be read by different stake holders
3.6. driven by business value
3.6.1. Why BDD Frame Work dddaf d
3.7. Why BDD
3.7.1. Communication Problem Solution Gherkins