Web 2.0 Tools for Education

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Web 2.0 Tools for Education by Mind Map: Web 2.0 Tools for Education

1. Tools for Reading

1.1. Voice Thread

1.1.1. Teachers can use Voice Thread to help students read. You can use pictures from the story, or upload the actual pages while your voice reads the book or story to students. Visit voicethread.com by clicking on the arrow. This also comes in the form of an app.

1.2. Readinga-z

1.3. Rewordify

2. Tools for Collaboration

2.1. Google Drive

2.1.1. Google Drive allows students to share their documents with other students as well as teachers, making group work much easier. It also saves real-time! Click on the arrow to visit Google Drive.

2.2. Padlet

2.2.1. Padlet is like an online bulletin board, allowing students to post information for others to see. Teachers can filter the posts before they are "officially" posted.   Click the arrow to visit www.padlet.com.

2.3. Office 365

2.4. Zaption

2.5. Chatzy

3. Tools for Calculating

3.1. Web 2.0 Scientific Calculator

3.1.1. Web 2.0 Calculator is literally a free scientific calculator online! Woohoo! Click the arrow to use the calculator online.

3.2. Holt Online Graphing Calculator

3.2.1. Holt Online Graphing Calculator allows students to use a free calculator to complete homework for classes like Calculus and Trigonometry. Physical hand held graphing calculators are anywhere from $80 to $150, so having an alternative online graphing calculator to use is great! Click on the arrow to explore this tool.

3.3. Symbolab

4. Tools for Writing

4.1. Wordle

4.1.1. Students can use Wordle to create word clouds with important vocabulary from lessons. They will end up with the most used word as the largest word, and usually located toward the middle of their word cloud.

4.2. Write:Outloud

4.3. Smories

4.4. Flipsnack

5. Tools for Assessment

5.1. Class Dojo

5.1.1. Class Dojo is an online behavior management system. Teachers can plug in points for positive and negative behavior, then look back on behavior reports per student and per class for assessment of behaviors. Click on the arrow to visit Class Dojo!

5.2. Front Row

5.2.1. Front Row is a website and app for iPad/Android that allows students to practice ELA and Math skills in a self paced environment. The practice is adaptive, basing the speed which students progress on their performance. Teachers can log into the app and see their students' progress and struggles per common core standard.  Click the arrow to visit www.frontrowed.com!

5.3. Class Marker

5.3.1. Class Marker allows teachers to create quizzes and tests for free! Results are graded and can be viewed real time.

5.4. EDpulzzle

5.4.1. EDpuzzle allows teachers to edit videos and use them to present info to students. ALSO, you can put in questions that students will answer during the video, then track their answer progress and information comprehension through EDpuzzle. Click on the arrow to visit EDpuzzle.

5.5. Kahoot

5.6. Socrative

5.6.1. Socrative is a fun and engaging tools that allows you to instantly connect with students learning as it happens. Quickly assess students with prepared activities or on-the-fly questions to get immediate insight into student understanding.

6. Tools for Organzing

6.1. Live Binder

6.1.1. Live Binder is an open sharing place where you can search for information by topic, or make your own live binder of information for others to see. This can be a great way to organize lesson materials by topic or grade level.

6.2. Pinterest

6.3. OneNote

6.4. Diigo

6.5. Del.icio.us

6.6. Evernote