1. More than 1/4 of all bottled water comes from a municipal water supply the same as TAP WATER
2. Contemporary
2.1. Mark Coreth
2.2. Cristo and Jeanne-Claude
2.3. Olafur Eliasson
2.4. Jason deCaires Taylor
2.5. Pamela Rosenkranz
2.6. http://www.phxart.org/exhibition/water
2.7. Roy Staab-Ephemeral Scuptor
2.7.1. New node
2.8. Zaria Forman
2.8.1. https://youtu.be/9VF7kffCgJU
2.9. Dominique Mazeaud
4. Historically
4.1. William turner
4.2. Impressionist
4.3. John criag freeman
5. Chroma Paintings. John Sabraw is an artist and professor that fuses Science and Art together to create a unique artwork. His paintings use toxic substances to emphasize the effects of coal mining pollution. He extracts the toxic sludge from polluted rivers and turns it into amazing artworks.
6. In 2010 the UN declared access to clean water and sanitation a human right Really? 2010) 2.6 billion people lack access to basic sanitation 884 million people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water 50 to 100 liters of water per person per day are needed to ensure basic needs Water cost should not exceed 3 percent of household income Water sources that to be within 3280.84 ft from a home. Collection time should not exceed 3 mins Same amount of water as it started with
7. rising sea levels
7.1.1. A level line was surveyed in a forest at the artist studio, marking an exact height above sea level. Pink surveyors flagging tape was wrapped around each tree trunk to the height of the level, creating a wedge of pink in the forest. Trees low on the slope having many feet of pink on their trunks, while tree on the top of the hill had a minimum. This wedge of color in the forest showed the water level if the forest were flooded by rising sea level. The top edge aligns with the distant horizon, an unexpected phenomenon while creating the slope registration.
7.2. Ice Books. Basia Irland is an artist and naturalist that works closely with water, especially rivers. Her Ice Books project uses river water to form books made of ice which contains seeds. The seeds within the books helps the river in many ways such as by slowing down the erosion of the river bank. It then slowly melts away to represent the effects of climate change and the thinning of ice due to the activities of humans.
8.1. Bethany Morgan
8.2. WaterShed Project In the “Watershed” program, artists Mary Miss, Eve Mosher, designer Elliott Maltby, and environmental engineer Franco Montalto orchestrated an interactive program that prompted participants to imagine how to better connect New Yorkers to their watershed, a networked flow that crosses and connects several communities of distinct physical and social character. Working in breakout groups, we formulated alternative uses of the recently restored paper-mâché watershed model, originally made for the 1939 World’s Fair, a complement to the famousPanorama model that sits on the other side of the atrium. Building upon Mary Miss’s ongoing project, City as Living Laboratory, the goal of the activity was to instill environmental responsibility in museum visitors analogous to a curator’s care for the model.
9. UN Sustainability Goal # 14- Life Below Water- Our oceans and seas are being threatened and destroyed by human activities like marine pollution, overfishing, and destruction of marine habitats. Oceans cover three quarters of the earth's surface, and they are home to nearly 200,000 species. That marine and coastal biodiversity isn't just beautiful; it provides the livelihoods of more than 3 billion people. We can stop and reverse the damage we have done to our world's oceans if we act quickly to conserve and protect our marine resources and habitats. https://www.globalgiving.org/sdg/life-below-water/
10. Water Conservation
10.1. scatter light, and reflect light. Light may be absorbed by particles and solutes, as evidenced by the darker color of tea or coffee. Green algae in rivers and streams often lends a blue-green color to the water. Some mountain lakes and streams that contain finely ground rock, such as glacial flour, are turquoise. The surface of water can also reflect skylight.
10.2. waterless plumbing systems
10.3. At one drip per second, a faucet can leak 3,000 gallons in a year.
10.4. 1 Oyster can purify 50-60 gallons of water per day.
10.5. water is part of a deeply interconnected system what we pour into the ground
11. Spiritual Connections
11.1. Dr. Masaru Emoto- The Message from Water
12.1. What is water?
12.2. We are all wet?
13. Technology
13.1. natural water systems
13.1.1. civilizations built around water source
13.2. man made water systems
13.2.1. levees
13.2.2. canals
13.2.3. dams
13.2.4. pump stations
13.2.5. Hydroelectric power Hydropower represents about 16% (International Energy Agency) of total electricity production. China is the largest producer of hydroelectricity, followed by Canada, Brazil, and the United States (Source: Energy Information Administration). Approximately two-thirds of the economically feasible potential remains to be developed. Untapped hydro resources are still abundant in Latin America, Central Africa, India and China.
13.3. Water purification technologies
13.3.1. Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases from contaminated water. Have students create water filters! If your school doesn't have access to a kiln to make pottery. Try making a water bottle filter. (Arrow is link) To create a social practice have the students write about water purification as well teach other students how to make the water bottle filter.
15. Water is a polar inorganic compound
15.1. water is tasteless
15.2. It is known as the universal solvent
16. Un Sustainable Development Goal #6 (Clean Water & Sanitation)- Goal- by 2030 Everyone will have safe water to drink. More than 1/2 of households worldwide have access to clean water in their homes; however, the number of people without adequate sanitation (a safe toilet) is increasing as people move into more crowded cities. Diseases caused by contaminated water kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. By prioritizing clean water, we can improve the health and livelihoods of millions people. https://www.globalgiving.org/sdg/clean-water-and-sanitation/
17. Selfridges’ Ocean Project. Helena Maratheftis is an artist, designer and illustrator who uses recycled plastic to create sea creature sculptures. She does this to draw attention to the dangers of polluting the oceans with plastic, as sea animals like turtles, often die from eating plastic debris. The plastic sculpture of a life-sized turtle featured here is a testament to that.
17.1. The Water Tank Project
17.1.1. The Water Tank Project -New York City
18. Climate Change
18.1. Rising Sea Levels
18.1.1. Land Loss Displacement
18.2. Conservation
18.2.1. Ecosystems Wetlands Flood Park/Rain Garden Landscape Design, Gardening, Community, Aquatic Plants, Native Plants
18.2.2. Conservation Zine Print Making, Font Design, Photography, Conservation Research About Native Birds, Zine Construction
18.3. Reducing CO2 Emmisions
18.3.1. Students can discuss & analyze clean energy technologies to reduce emissions.
18.3.2. Designing, testing and evaluating systems to produce energy while reducing CO2 emissions.
19. 400 billion gallons of water used by the US per day - half is used for thermoelectric power generators
19.1. an inch of water covering one acre (27,154 gallons) weighs 113 tons
19.2. There is more water in the atmosphere than in all of the rivers combined
20. Water Usage and Accessibility
20.1. water filtration, water recycling, water distillation, accessibility of water, aesthetics, composition, repetition
21. Water Pollution & Scarcity
21.1. Artist García Uriburu and Greenpeace: Conducted interventionest art by 'staining' the waters of Riachuelo in Buenoes Aries, bright, lime-green paint (non toxic), for International Water Day. The project used Fluorescein Dye, which is a water soluble substance that produces a yellow, bright green, fluorescent color in alkaline solutions. It's used in ophthalmology to examine blood vessels in the eye, to see changes in the corneal epithelium in the lacrimal system and to test the permeability of the tear ducts, among other studies.
21.1.1. Fluorescein Dye Art. Disruption; Messaging through visuals; Water art; Cultural relevance; Design, Photography
21.1.2. Using a supposed ubiquitous element, water, and taking it out of context to create new meaning, or generate awareness
21.1.3. Culture jamming for social, and political awareness
21.2.1. Sanitation & Health 2.6 billion + lack basic sanitation More people have a mobile phone than have a toilet US Environmental protection agency- ground water and drinking water information https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water