Orlando Disney Trip

Project Control, Project Closing, Timeline template

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Orlando Disney Trip создатель Mind Map: Orlando Disney Trip

1. Travel days

1.1. 3.1 Drop off car at airport

1.2. 3.2 Take shuttle to departure terminal

1.3. 3.3 Download boarding passes on smart phone 24 Hour prior

1.4. 3.4 Get to airport 2.5 hour before departure

1.5. 3.5 Pick up rental car

1.6. 3.6 Drive to hotel

1.7. 3.7 Pick up Disney passes

1.8. 3.8 Buy grocery

1.9. 3.9 Check out of rooms drop off rental car

1.10. 3.10 Board plan

1.11. 3.11 Flight home

1.12. 3.12 Take shuttle to parking area

1.13. 3.13 Drive home

2. Planning trip

2.1. 1.1 Dates

2.2. 1.2 Lodging

2.3. 1.3 Travel Arrangements to Orlando

2.4. 1.4 Onsite amenities and VIP passes

2.5. 1.5 Miscellaneous and souvenirs budget

2.6. 1.6 Rental car

3. Funding Trip

3.1. 2.1 $5000.00 for trip

3.2. 2.2 Use credit cards to buy airplanes tickets

3.3. 2.3 Use credit card to book hotel room

3.4. 2.4 Withdraw money for on trip spending

3.5. 2.5 Divide fund into daily limit batch

3.6. 2.6 Make credit card payment from bank account after trip

4. Entertainment/Meals

4.1. 4.1 Breakfast at hotel in mornings

4.2. 4.2 Cook dinner in room

4.3. 4.3 Pack lunch to Disney World