Andrea Stewart             Standard: K.OA.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add...

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Andrea Stewart             Standard: K.OA.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, eg., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem Subject: Math                         Grade Level: Kindergarten por Mind Map: Andrea Stewart             Standard: K.OA.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, eg., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem Subject: Math                         Grade Level: Kindergarten

1. Objectives

1.1. SWBAT use concrete materials, pictures, and actions to represent, model and solve subtract ion problems.

1.2. SWBAT represent solutions using an equation.

2. Big Ideas

2.1. Understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.

2.2. Accurately solve real-world subtraction problems.

2.3. Explore subtraction symbols while solving real-world problems.

2.4. Communicate their strategies used while solving subtraction problems.

3. Prior Knowledge

3.1. Making sets of objects within 5

3.2. Counting sets of objects consistently with accuracy within 5

4. Readiness Level

4.1. Understand vocabulary fewer, more, remove

4.2. Understanding of Cardinality

4.3. Represent a number by producing a set of objects using concrete materials.

4.4. Demonstrate understanding of one to one correspondence.

5. Scaffolding Strategies

5.1. Scaffolding allow me to give guidance and support to my students when learning a concept. Also when scaffolding, I can break up the learning into chunks which allows by students to build upon different strategies. For example, when scaffolding a math lesson, I may start with a read a loud which allows me to discuss key vocabulary. The following are additional strategies that help when scaffolding a lesson.

5.2. Visual Aids:  Helps to enhance learning and serves as a visual guide to master math vocabulary. For example, the minus and equal signs.

5.3. Read Aloud: Helps to support learning and connects ideas. Reading aloud will also offer students language to help them understand the standard and the lesson's concept.

5.4. Modeling, Gesturing, Acting out: Like visual aids, the helps to enhance learning. Acting out this standard helps bring the words or math problem to life. This may be especially helpful to ELL students when English is not there first language.

5.5. Connect to background knowledge: I could use this strategy when creating an exit ticket. Using the students names and background knowledge that has been shared as a class to create personalized word problems. This personalizes learning and makes it fun.

5.6. Small Group or Partner Work: It is important to established good working relationships within partners or small groups. Once good working relationships are achieved this activity allows students to work together and learn from each other.

6. Key Factors about Students