Multimedia Hardware and Software

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Multimedia Hardware and Software by Mind Map: Multimedia Hardware and Software

1. Multimedia Development Process

1.1. Planning & Costing

1.2. Designing & Producing

1.3. Testing

1.3.1. Alpha testing

1.3.2. Beta Testing

1.4. Delivering

2. Requied of for a Multimedia Project

2.1. The Intangible

2.1.1. Creativity

2.1.2. Organization

2.1.3. Communication

2.2. Multimedia Skills

2.2.1. Project Manager

2.2.2. Multimedia Designer

2.2.3. Interface Designer

2.2.4. writer

2.2.5. Audio/Video Specialist

2.2.6. Multimedia Programmer

2.3. Hardware

2.3.1. connections

2.3.2. Memory & Storage Devices

2.3.3. Input Devices

2.3.4. Output Devices

2.4. Software

2.4.1. Text editing & word processing tools

2.4.2. OCR Software

2.4.3. Painting Tools

2.4.4. Drawing Tools

2.4.5. 3-D modeling Tools

2.4.6. Image Editing Tools

2.4.7. Sound Editing Tools

2.5. Authoring System

2.5.1. Types of Authoring Tools

2.5.2. Choosing an Authoring Tool