What were the IMPACTS of Christopher Columbus "discovery" of the  new world, on both Europe and t...

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What were the IMPACTS of Christopher Columbus "discovery" of the  new world, on both Europe and the Americans. por Mind Map: What were the IMPACTS of Christopher Columbus "discovery" of the  new world, on both Europe and the Americans.

1. Europe's economy.

1.1. They introduced crops to Europe from America and animals too. This made more farms in Europe and more food.

1.2. Silver and gold was also a form of trading to boost the economy.

1.3. Treaty of Tordesillas is the agreement between Spain and Portugal to divide the western hemisphere.

2. Land

2.1. when Columbus reached america, he claimed it as a colony of Spain.

2.2. Many Natives were killed when they tried to defend their villages.

3. Plantation system

3.1. brought profit for the Spaniards.

3.2. Economic benefits.

4. Trading

4.1. Americans brought diseases with them that has killed the natives.

4.2. Silver and gold

4.3. Crops, such as corn.