The Seven Habits: GHGR

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The Seven Habits: GHGR by Mind Map: The Seven Habits: GHGR

1. 1.Great Readers see themselves as readers

1.1. 7. Great readers think critically about books

1.1.1. RL 5.6 is difficult for me because I have a hard time finding text to support RI.6.9 I enjoy having students compare and contrast authors' presentations of events. Teresa I use NEWSELA with my students and I find this offers a different perspective on events for them to engage with! -Gracie What does that look like in the classroom? There area a lot of free sites where students can read books online or get from the public library site How do we access the list from GHGR that finds text aligned to skill and standard? I know it's out there somewhere... -Gracie

1.1.2. Kelsey RL.4.10  For resistant and struggling readers, they do not enjoy reading and do not see themselves as readers.  I often struggle to find resources that will help scaffold text for my struggling readers. Graphic Novels I agree this is challenging. I think finding out what they are interested in and supplying a variety of books in that area may be the beginning and once they are hooked then branching out into other topic. Deborah Another resource I use in my classroom to motivate students to read is a variety of Scholastic magazines that the library sends our way.  Students love the relevant topics and "easier" text.  Teresa

1.1.3. Something I feel is my strength is 4.4 Presentation of knowledge and ideas Sharon Sharon does a great job with this

1.1.4. RI5.6 I struggle with finding accurate sources from different point of views about topics that engage students- Gracie I have found that Newsela and readworks are great sites for finding pieces of text.  You can even search by pair texts.  Sasha I suppose this is even harder for finding American Indian sources as well. Kelly

1.2. RI68 I find it difficult to teach evaluating the argument and claims in a text.  Teresa

1.3. I am not sure what Standard this would be, but so often it is challenging to get students to get hooked into books.  We talk about how to select books, how to give books a chance, but my students want to switch books all the time. Sharon

1.3.1. I agree, Sharon.  I see students doing this all the time, too.  I saw a great idea in a classroom where there was a bell and a "finished book count."  Every time a student finished a book they got to ring the bell and add one more to the class count.  I haven't tried it, but I thought it would sure be a fun way to celebrating completing a book.

1.3.2. Have you ever thought of having them give you 3-5 reason why they need to switch books? Deborah I have and even set must read to page 30 (a workshop told me to have students read to here before checking out as the climax of the story begins), but I still have those kids wanting to be at the shelf all the time.  I also hear they don't like any of my books and I have hundreds.  :)  I feel it is more not applying strategies.

2. 2. Great readers make sense of text

2.1. Becky RL4.1 refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text is saying to discuss what they read

2.2. RL 5.4 I feel a strength area is working with figurative language. I can incorporate humor and personal interpretation. -Gracie

2.2.1. Idioms are my favorite! :)

2.3. Kelly RL.K.4 (Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.) is difficult for me as many kinder kids still don't understand what a question is or know that they don't understand a word.

3. 6 . Great readers monitor and organize ideas and information

4. 4RL4.2 students struggle finding the theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text

5. 3. Great readers use what they know

6. 4.Great readers understnad how stories work

6.1. Kelly RL.K.5 (Recognize common types of texts e.g. storybooks, poems) is one of the easier standards for me because there are a lot of resources available to compare and contrast.

6.1.1. I would agree! I love digging into new genres and investigating where a text may fit! -Gracie

6.2. Deborah RL.1.5 Explain the difference between Fiction and Non-fiction books is the easiest standard for me to teach because students are able to use their schema to understand if something is make believe versus a text which is real life.

6.2.1. agree

6.2.2. I think this also is an easier topic to cover, but I do find I receive many questions on historical fiction where that fits in. Especially if the student knows little about the historical event, they may think the story to be true. -Gracie

6.2.3. Teaching the difference between fiction and nonfiction is also one of the easier standards for me as I can ask my students if what is happening in the story is something they could see happening at school or home.  Kelly

7. 5. Great readers read to learn

7.1. Deborah RL.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a standard which is hard to do in first grade since many students are still beginning readers and are not ready to dive into the meaning of test.

7.2. Kelsey: RL.4.2  Determine a theme.  I feel comfortable with this because every story the class reads we identify and discuss life lessons.

7.2.1. Do all the stories have life lessons?  Teresa Good point, not all do.  Big idea would have been a better word choice. I love the use of "big idea" since students already understand these two words!  Thanks, Teresa