Irritant contact Dermatitis

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Irritant contact Dermatitis by Mind Map: Irritant contact Dermatitis

1. Pathophysiology

1.1. Breakdown of skin barrierr

1.1.1. excessive exposure to irritants

1.1.2. use of rubber gloves

1.2. Cell differentiation

1.2.1. antigen processing cells

1.2.2. B cells

1.3. Immune response

1.3.1. Rapid response of antibodies IgM and IgG

2. Risk Factors

2.1. Repeated or prolonged exposure to chemicals, detergents, and various other irritating agents.

2.2. Exposure to strong chemicals

3. Diagnosis

3.1. Clinical Examination

4. Adaptive Responses to Alteration

4.1. Hardening: a thickened granulosum

5. Epidemiology

5.1. Occupational hazzard

5.1.1. Hairdressers prolonged exposure to chemicals excessive exposure to soaps

5.1.2. Nurses washing hands multiple times

5.1.3. Maintenance workers prolonged exposure to irritants exposure to strong chemicals

5.2. Environmental Factors

5.2.1. winter weather

5.2.2. dry air

5.3. Prevalence

5.3.1. affects all ages

5.3.2. affects 69.7% of workers with high exposure