Cognitive Learning Theories

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Cognitive Learning Theories by Mind Map: Cognitive Learning Theories

1. Applications in education based on Vygotsky's sociocultural theory

1.1. Learning is a collaborative activity

1.2. ZPD serves as a guide for curriculum delivery and lesson planning

1.3. Learning should occur in a meaningful context

2. Four distinct, hierarchical stages of development

2.1. Piaget theorized that these stages determine what a child can cognitively accomplish, depending on which stage the child is currently in:

2.2. Sensorimotor stage: represents trial and error with physical objects and symbolic thought

2.3. Preoperational stage: represents expansion of language, pretend play, and some intuitive thought

2.4. Concrete Operational stage: represents understanding perspectives of others, conservation, and class inclusion

2.5. Formal Operational stage: represents proportional reasoning of ratios, idealism, logical thinking of hypothetical ideas

3. Children are naturally curious

4. Constructivist

5. Assimilation and Accommodation

6. Constructivist

7. Lev Vygotsky

7.1. Clinical applications: Social construction of meaning

8. Jean Piaget

8.1. Clinical applications of Piaget's cognitive development:

9. Constructivism

10. Sociocultural Theory

10.1. Adults translate to children the meaning of their environment through cognitive tools

10.2. Language

10.2.1. Children's thoughts become language Private speech (self-talk) gradually becomes inner talk, which then mimics our thoughts.

10.3. Higher-order thought processes begin as social interactions

10.4. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

10.4.1. ZPD is the upper limit of what a child is capable of learning. ZPD allows children to perform tasks with an adult, that would be improbable on their own. Scaffolding and guided participation

10.5. Play allows children to mimic adult roles

11. Learning requires interaction

12. Applications in education using a Piaget model

12.1. Brain maturation determines abilities of child

12.2. Learning is a physical experience

12.3. Sociocognitive conflict

13. Piaget vs. Vygotsky

14. References

15. Knudsen, D., Patel, A., & Reed, K. (2016) EDF 6211, University of South Florida

16. Perspective of Cognitive Theory