LOVE Yourself like your life depends on it - Kamal Ravikant

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LOVE Yourself like your life depends on it - Kamal Ravikant by Mind Map: LOVE Yourself like your life depends on it - Kamal Ravikant

1. Practices

1.1. Mental Loop

1.1.1. "I love myself"

1.1.2. Repeat over and over again

1.1.3. Repeat with emotions and feelings

1.1.4. This repetition creates grooves in your mind

1.2. Meditation

1.2.1. 1. Sit down with your eyes closed

1.2.2. 2. Inhalation: "I love myself"

1.2.3. 3. Exhalation

1.3. Mirror Meditation

1.3.1. 1. Look at yourself in the mirror

1.3.2. 2. Look into your left eye and say "I love myself". For 5 minutes

2. The Most important Relationship

2.1. With ourselves

2.2. We must fall in love with ourselves

2.2.1. Before we go out to seek/find love

2.3. When we love ourselves we are naturally beautiful

2.3.1. We shine

2.4. When we love ourselves, Life loves us too

2.4.1. We get what we think about

3. Memory

3.1. Increases with Repetition

3.2. and Feelings

3.3. Our job is to repeat over and over again with feeling

4. Nature of mind

4.1. Repeats the same stories over and over again

4.1.1. Most of those stories dont serve us

4.2. What can we do?

4.2.1. Choose a thought consciously

4.2.2. Repeat it over and over With EMOTIONS WITH FEELINGS Until the mind starts playing it automatically

4.2.3. Practice it until this thought becomes the primary thought pattern

4.2.4. Programming your mind takes time But it is worth the effort

5. About Kamal

5.1. VC

5.2. Entrepreneur
