1. Learning objectives/goals
1.1. MindMeister
1.2. Bubbl
1.3. poplet
2. Prior knowledge
2.1. Quiz
2.1.1. Matching Quizlet
2.1.2. Test Google Forms Socrative
2.1.3. Multiple choice
2.2. Test your knowledge
2.2.1. Socrative
2.3. Competence box - do I know this?
2.4. Read/watch before
3. Processing text comprehension
3.1. Produce text
3.1.1. Report
3.2. Explanatory video
3.2.1. YouTube
3.3. Bookmarks to explanations
3.3.1. Pinterest
3.3.2. diigo
3.4. Notes
3.4.1. Evernote
3.5. Analysing
3.5.1. Flowcharts draw.io creately
3.6. Tags in video
3.6.1. H5P
3.6.2. EDpuzzle
3.7. Highlighting
3.7.1. diigo
3.7.2. Super Simple Highlighter
3.8. Producing glossary
3.8.1. ProfessorWord
3.8.2. Rewordify
3.9. Mind map
3.9.1. MindMeister
3.9.2. Mindomo
4. Additional resources
4.1. Video
4.1.1. ScreencastO'matic
4.1.2. Screencastify
4.1.3. Vimeo
4.2. Text
4.3. Illustrations
4.4. Data
4.5. Tag list
4.5.1. diigo
4.6. Glossary
4.6.1. ProfessorWord
4.6.2. Rewordify
5. Collaboration
5.1. Forum - commenting
5.1.1. TodaysMeet
5.1.2. Flowdock
5.1.3. Edmodo
5.2. Collaboration file
5.2.1. TitanPad
5.2.2. lino
5.2.3. Pinterest
5.3. Blogs
5.3.1. Blogger
5.3.2. tumblr
5.3.3. edublogs
5.3.4. WordPress.org
5.3.5. FB
5.4. Online analysing
5.5. Forum discussions - find an expert
5.6. Wikis
5.6.1. Wikipedia
6. Evaluation
6.1. Students self-evaluation
6.1.1. Checkli
6.2. Evaluation of unit
6.2.1. Mentimeter
6.3. Peer-to-peer evaluation
6.3.1. Peergrade
6.3.2. Googledocs
6.4. Quiz
6.4.1. Matching Quizlet
6.4.2. Test Google Forms Socrative
6.4.3. Multiple choice
7. Reading strategies
7.1. Skimming/Scanning
7.1.1. BBC
7.2. Read
7.2.1. text to speach reader ttsreader Naturalreader
7.3. Take notes
7.3.1. Evernote
7.3.2. Google docs
7.3.3. Cornell note
7.3.4. Wordle
7.3.5. Post-it
7.4. Divide text into parts
7.5. Writing summaries
7.6. Illustrations/diagrams
7.6.1. Flowcharts draw.io creately
7.7. Commenting
7.7.1. Flowdock
7.7.2. Twitter