topics and themes

This mindmap gives an overview of the topics and themes and suggestions discussed with regard to setting a theme for the IDEA league summer school

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topics and themes by Mind Map: topics and themes

1. future scenarios

1.1. - Global communications for everyone/everywhere

1.2. - New services for disabled persons

1.3. - ICT and natural environment

2. *Applications

2.1. *New Multimedia Data Types and Applications

2.1.1. * Image-based rendering and reconstruction (Peter, Michael, Alex). Also Interfacing with augmented reality apps --- 3D reconstruction from images and video --- Motion analysis --- Image-based 2D and 3D tracking (e.g., persons and objects) --- Free viewpoint rendering from images --- Photo Manipulation and Animation --- Hybrid 2D/3D geometry representations as future multimedia data types - 3D reconstruction - video object segmentation - object detection

2.1.2. Digital signal processing (Félicien, Zekeriya Erkin)

2.1.3. multimedia: image / audio processing (Sofia?)

2.1.4. * Applications like Gaming, social networks, Virtual worlds

2.1.5. - Home entertainment

2.2. * Seamlessly interfacing the real and the virtual in the knowledge Society

2.2.1. o Virtual interactions and new usages

2.2.2. o Enriched reality

2.2.3. Numerical identity (Michael Huth?)

2.3. Crisis management

2.4. - bio-informatics (modelizations, medical imaging, ... )

2.5. - Health care (automatic diagnosis, ...)

2.6. * New technologies for virtual collaboration and social interaction

3. *Base technologies

3.1. *Internet, Networks

3.1.1. - QoS ( rate / reliability, security / cryptography, privacy ) >> Harold, Charlotte

3.1.2. - Security

3.1.3. P2P (Jenneke)

3.1.4. (Mobile) communication networks (Maya, Sofia?)

3.1.5. Web 3.0 - 4.0

3.1.6. Architectures

3.1.7. Distributed Processing

3.1.8. - large networks organization (self organized networks, ... )

3.1.9. Embedded systems and other platforms

3.2. - hardware improvements (nanotechnology, metamaterials ...)

3.3. * Developing the methods for designing, developing and validating the forthcoming large complex ICT systems

3.3.1. o Interfaces with physical world

3.3.2. o Self organized, reconfigurable systems and networks

3.3.3. o Complexity analysis, optimization methods, validation tools

3.4. * Operating multimodal systems

3.4.1. o Multimedia

3.4.2. o Computer vision

4. Social Implications

4.1. Interaction NG ICT: interaction Man-Machine // Brain-Machine (DALAL ALRAJEH)

4.2. ethics & technology // trust (i.e. RFID)

4.3. - sociology ( new usages, addictions, ...)