Kara Swisher – Breaking up is hard to do: how entrepreneurs fail

Kara Swisher on "Breaking up is hard to do: how entrepreneurs fail" at the TEDx SanFrancisco conference 2016.

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Kara Swisher – Breaking up is hard to do: how entrepreneurs fail by Mind Map: Kara Swisher – Breaking up is hard to do: how entrepreneurs fail

1. Ideas of Failing

1.1. Terrible Idea #28: Let's stay together for the kids

1.1.1. Trying to build their special team that have momentum

1.1.2. "The kids will be fine"

1.1.3. Yahoo is a Frankenstein of a company – it never dies

1.1.4. Many entrepreneurs come out of failed companies

1.2. It's not you, it's the Consumer/Product/Technology

1.2.1. Consumer/Product/Technology are the only things that matter

1.2.2. Google Glasses made even Supermodels unfuckable

1.2.3. Twitter didn't iterated their product in the last 5 years

1.2.4. Apple Watch doesn't do anything – It shows the time

1.2.5. Don't blame the consumer!

1.3. I Just Can't

1.3.1. Entrepreneurs believe they can, even if things go sour

1.3.2. Sometimes that works out really well, like in the case of UBER

1.4. I Need Space

1.4.1. Color (Ambient Photosharing) 45 Mio. gone

1.4.2. Boo.com 135 Mio. gone

1.4.3. Friendster Billions of Dollars in Value gone

1.4.4. ...

1.5. The Adele Conundrum

1.5.1. Hello, it's me again

1.5.2. Amazon.com Jeff Bezos continued with enormous push even though they didn't make profit

1.5.3. Slack

1.6. I'll Never Fall in Love Again

1.6.1. "You can't blame gravity for falling in love"

1.6.2. Steve Jobs was all heart and not heartless

1.6.3. True Entrepreneurs give not up

2. Kara Swisher

2.1. Recode Executive director


3.1. "I always feel like I'm at target, when I'm at a TED event"

3.2. "I've not failed, I just found 10000 ways that don't work"

3.3. "Failure is just failure"