by Jyldyz Byler

1. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
1.1. The Accommodations and Modifications for Children with Autism
1.2. Interventions for Children with Autism
2. Deaf-Blindness
2.1. Effective Intervention for Children who are deafblind
2.1.1. Access to Environmental Information
2.1.2. Development and Use of Communication Skills
2.1.3. Social and Emotional Well-being
3. Other Health Impairment
3.1. Accommodations for Students Other Health Impairment
3.2. Strategies and Interventions for Students with Other Health Impairment
4. Specific Learning Disability
4.1. Interventions for Learning Disorders
4.2. Accommodations for Children with Disabilities
5. Speech or Language Impairment
5.1. Interventions for Children with Speech or Language Impairment
5.2. Classroom Strategies for Students with Speech or Language Impairment
5.3. Case Study from Interview
6. Traumatic Brain Injury
6.1. Classroom Interventions for Children with TBI
6.2. Classroom Accommodations for Children with TBI
7. Visual impairment, including blindness
7.1. Interventions and Accommodations for Children with Visual Impairment, including blindness
8. Developmental delay
8.1. Strategies for Developmental Delay
8.1.1. Physical Development
8.1.2. Cognitive Development
8.1.3. Communication Development
8.1.4. Social and Emotional Development
8.1.5. Adaptive Behavior