Concept of Knowledge

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Concept of Knowledge by Mind Map: Concept of Knowledge

1. Why classify knowledge?

1.1. Reasons

1.1.1. The infinite nature of knowledge Numerous/various/dissimilar/of different degrees/not of equal value

1.1.2. Responsibility to pursue Seeking knowledge is obligatory

1.1.3. Finitude of human life

1.2. Purposes

1.2.1. To prioritize/to hierarchize To order knowledge/sciences according to their importance and urgency

1.2.2. To facilitate learning To serve as a general guide to learning so that students choose to only study subjects that are really beneficial to them

2. Main topic

3. - Sub topic

4. - Explanation/example

5. Definition

5.1. Literally from Arabic word ‘ilm, which means:

5.1.1. Al-Ma’rifah (المَعْرِفَةُ): knowing by experiment

5.1.2. Al-Fiqh (الفِقْهُ): Understanding

5.1.3. Tadabbur (تَدَبُّرُ): Observation

5.1.4. Basiran (بَصِيرًا ): Mental perception

5.1.5. Tadhakkur (تَذَكُّرُ): Remembrance

5.1.6. Tafakkur (تَفَكُّرُ): Thought

5.2. Technically:

5.2.1. Realization of the meanings of things (Al-Ghazzali)

5.2.2. The arrival of the ma‘na (meaning) of an object in the soul & its arrival at the meaning. (Al-Attas)

5.2.3. Realization of something in its true nature

5.2.4. A firm belief that accords with the reality of things (47: 19)

6. Knowledge vs Information

6.1. Knowledge

6.1.1. Involves a personal experience

6.1.2. Knowledge is made up of factors such as information, beliefs and experiences

6.1.3. Can be shared but might be perceived differently

6.2. Information

6.2.1. General data expressed by numbers, words, images and sounds

6.2.2. Can be shared, much more easily understood by everyone

6.2.3. Perceived differently

7. Degrees of knowledge

7.1. Knowledge by inference (‘Ilm al-Yaqin)

7.2. Knowledge by perception & observation (‘Ayn al-Yaqin)

7.3. Knowledge by inner experience (Haqq al-Yaqin)

8. Purpose of Seeking Knowledge in Islam

8.1. To practice with it. This is what Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked in His prayers:

8.1.1. "O Allah! Make my Ilm profitable for me, give me knowledge which is profitable and add in my knowledge.” (Tirmidhi, Da‘awat, 128)

8.1.2. “O Allah! I seek your refuge from useless knowledge.” (Tirmidhi, Da‘awat, 68)

8.2. To achieve the happiness of both worlds (hasanah fi al-Dunya wa al-Akhirah)

8.2.1. This world is like a field in which our actions are sown like seeds and they grow into plants which are then harvested in the next world

8.3. To distinguish between right and wrong

8.4. To get Allah’s pleasure

9. Adab (Manners) & Knowledge Acquisition

9.1. Purify soul from impure traits & blameworthy characteristics

9.2. Minimize affairs of the world

9.3. Be humble towards the teachers

9.4. Ignore the different opinions among people

9.5. Examine any branch of praiseworthy knowledge carefully

9.6. Start learning what most important

9.7. Master one knowledge before proceeding to the next.

9.8. Be ascertain the noble nature of one knowledge & the others

9.9. Beautify inner-self with virtue

10. Importance of Knowledge

10.1. The first revelation to the Messenger of Allah (Al-’Alaq: 1- 5)

10.2. Parallel with the man’s obligation as a khalifah (Al-Baqarah: 30-33)

10.3. Islam is a religion based upon knowledge.

10.4. The Quran is inviting man to ponder, think & learn.

10.5. The word ‘ilm & its derivatives mentioned is more than 700 in the Quran

10.6. The authenticity of prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ is the book of knowledge.

10.7. Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim

10.8. Knowledge is the way to recognize Allah & discover the truth (An-Nisa’: 162; Saba’: 6)

10.9. Knowledge elevates the status of its bearer (Al-Mujadilah: 11; An-Naml: 15; Saba’: 10&11; Az-Zumar: 9)

10.10. Allah created & provided man with the tools for acquiring knowledge (al-Nahl: 78)

10.11. Knowledge is a prerequisite for authentic peace (Maryam: 122)

11. Classification of Knowledge

11.1. Eternal/Absolute (Qadim)

11.1.1. Characteristic Divine/God Perfect/Complete Absolutely true/absolutely complete Changeless/eternal

11.2. New/Limited (Jadid)

11.2.1. Gifted Natural/primary/instinctive knowledge (daruri) Knowledge imparted in the very nature of the creation like the instinctive knowledge of animals and human babies Sacred/revealed knowledge Knowledge that Allah teaches men by way of Revelation to His Messengers

11.2.2. Acquired knowledge Acquired through effort by way of reflection, sense perception and experiment, experience Blameworthy (prohibited knowledge) Praiseworthy (recommended knowledge)

11.2.3. Characteristic Given by Allah to His creature Angels Prophets Human beings Jinns Animals The rest of His creation Imperfect/incomplete Relative/conjectural Changing/subject to change