Initial planning ideas

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Initial planning ideas by Mind Map: Initial planning ideas

1. Our sub genre is a crime thriller. Because of this we want to have a sense of violence in our opening which will appeal to our target audience.

2. Our target audience is going to be 15 year olds and up because we think that there would be some disturbing scenes for younger viewers.

3. We want to include a phone call between the hacker and the hitman, doing this we want to use technology to be able to modify the voice to show our use of technology.

4. We want to be able to use sound over the whole scene to make it tense and give it its crime thriller genre.

5. A hacker and a Hitman. The hacker sells information to the hitman so he can use it to find people and kill them.

6. Luke is going to be the hacker, Kareem will be the hitman, Jordan and alex will be extras/victims

7. We are either going to be using Final Cut Express or Sony Vegas pro to edit our video.

8. We are going to be using the enigma code for the plot that our opening will follow

9. We plan to use a variety of different shot types ranging from long, medium and close. We also want to use all three of the continuity rules so the opening will make sense.