1. Does living by the ocean change how animals live?
1.1. Students will understand that all living things sense and respond to their environment (Science, Big idea, grade 4)
1.1.1. Intertidal adaptations of animals of Vancouver Island (Science, Content, grade 4; supports science content grade 5) Beach walks to observe intertidal animals at low tide Mapping intertidal zones Snively, G. 1998. "Mapping Zonation on a Shore."In Beach Explorations : A Curriculum for Grades 5-10 p. 196 - 199 Create class bulletin board representing intertidal zones Intertidal Adaptations Stations Exploration Modify "Drying Out" in Beside the Sea: Beach Studies for the Intermediate Program, DFO: Nanaimo. Lesson 9, p. 36 - 38 Modifiy"Staying Put" in Beside the Sea: Beach Studies for the Intermediate Program, DFO: Nanaimo. Lesson 7, p. 30 - 32 Modify "Camouflage"in Beside the Sea: Beach Studies for the Intermediate Program, DFO: Nanaimo. Lesson 8, p. 33 - 35 Creating intertidal creatures
2. How do people interact with the ocean in Nanaimo? Does it impact us more than we impact it?
2.1. Students understand that the natural resources of the ocean continue to shape the economy and identity in Canada (Social Studies, Big Ideas, grade 5)
2.1.1. People have adapted to living by the ocean culturally and technologically (historical and contemporary, local focus) (science content grade 5, socials content grade 5, supports socials grade 4 content) OPTIONAL # 1 introductory activity - dentalium harvest Indigenous Science / STEM activity Dumoulin, L. 2016. Dentalium Inquiry: Lesson Plan, adapted from Snively, G. 2009. "Money from the Sea". Green Teacher Magazine OPTIONAL #2 introductory activity: shellfish harvest in the arctic (for comparison to here) Video (BBC, harvest under the ice) A walk on the seashore Invite Snuneymuxw Elder or Community knowledge holder to meet class and talk about clam gardens OR Departure Bay history, depending on their expertise Prepare: revisit intertidal zoning to make look at where butter clams grow best, and make predictions about how people could have increased their numbers Alternative: Video to show class: Native Watchman of the Mamalilikulla Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Em territory, Tom Sewid, takes us on a tour of the ancient clam gardens (lo'hewae) of coastal British Columbia. Alternative: video to show class: Parks Canada Video on the Clam Garden Restoration Project in partnership with WSANEC and Hul’q’umi’num First Nations Small Group Exploration of The Clam Garden Network website: Clam Gardens Section (1 section per group)
2.1.2. Synthesizing information from non-fiction hypertext, films, and interviews to build understanding (ELA, competency, Grade 4 and 5)
2.1.3. Learning text features, along with reading and oral language strategies for accessing and understanding non-fiction texts (ELA, content, grade 4 and 5)
2.1.4. People, and other land animals, interact with the ocean environment. Cultures and technologies can change and harm the ocean, but don’t have to (science content grade 5, socials content grade 5) Artist workshop - How I interact with the ocean (Cut paper illustrations) McClure, N. 2016. Waiting for High Tide. NY: Abrams Books. Tutorial Video (one example) For Grade 4-5 students, use black pens in place of exacto knives Whole Class Example Inquiry Project: People and the ocean in Nanaimo today Preparing for Interview Student Interview (Skype OR in person) with (e.g.) BC Ferries Captain from Departure Bay Terminal Reporting our learning
3. Books
3.1. Fiction
3.1.1. Direct McClure, N. 2016. Waiting for High Tide. NY: Abrams Books. Wiesner, David. 2006. Flotsam. Ney York: Clarion Books. Croza, L. 2013. I Know Here. Grounded Books.
3.1.2. Supporting: (just a few examples) Fredericks, A. D. 2002. In One Tidepool: Crabs, Snails, and Salty Tails. Nevada City, Dawn Publications. Preece, B. 2012. Gulf Islands Alphabet. Simply Read Books. Gear, A. 2016. Taan's moons: A Haida Moon Story. McKellar and Martin Publishing. Bouchard, D. 2012. Beneath Raven Moon. MTW Publishers
3.2. Non-fiction
3.2.1. Direct Aleck, C. 2016. The Sun and the Moon. Nanaimo: Strong Nations Publishing. Osis, V. 2001. Flotsam, jetsam, and wrack : what is all that weird stuff you find on the beach? Corvallis: Oregon State University. Available at VIU Library, Curriculum Lab. Illustrated intertidal field guide for pacific Northwest, such as: Pic, W. 1997. Beachcomber's guide to the Pacific Northwest.
3.2.2. Supporting: (Just a few examples) Silvey, D. 2003. From Time Immemorial: The First People of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Gabriola: Pacific Edge Publishing Ltd. Galat, M. 2004. Dot to Dot in the Sky. North Vancouver: Whitecap Books.
4. Teacher Background knowledge
4.1. Tides
4.1.1. What Physics Teachers Get Wrong About Tides (Video)
4.1.2. PBS. Moon Phases: Crash Course on Astronomy # 4.
4.2. Currents
4.2.1. Review Surface Ocean Currents (science) and connections with major winds through quality videos or on websites such as NOAA
4.3. Intertidal life
4.3.1. DFO. Beside the Sea: Beach Studies the for Intermediate Program.
4.3.2. Vancouver Aquarium Quick Guide for teachers. See pp. 14 -16 and 35-36
4.3.3. Illustrated Field Guide such as Rigby, M 2008. A quick Field Guide to Tidepools of the Pacific Coast. OR Brown. V. 1996. Exploring Pacific Coast Tidepools.
4.4. People and the ocean in Nanaimo
4.4.1. Clam Gardens: Aboriginal Mariculture on Canada’s West Coast (Teachers Resource) Author: Judith Williams
4.4.2. Ancient Sea Gardens:Mystery of the Pacific Northwest (Film)
5. This integrated unit plan is designed to build students' Social Responsibility Competency. Learning Intentions: I can identify how my actions and the actions of others affect my community and the natural environment and can work to make positive change. I can understand that the natural environment affects our lives in important ways. We will explore these learning intention statements by considering Nanaimo as a coastal community, framed by this essential question:
6. Can we predict the tide? Why would we want to?
6.1. Students will understand: how the moon and sun affect the tides (Science, Big Idea, grade 4)
6.1.1. The tide is important to coastal communities worldwide. It has been explained in different ways (science content, grade 4; ELA, competency, grade 4 and 5) Readers Workshop: reading a series of Tide Stories Dumoulin, L. 2016. Lesson Plan: Tide Stories (grades 4-5). Tlingit Moon and Tide Resource Guide Chapter 3: People of the Tide Lesson 1 Strong Nations. Sun and Moon (Snuneymuxw story about sun, moon, and tide) High tides on the Bay of Fundy. Kekina’muek (learning) Learning about the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia. p. 19. OPTIONAL Extension - critical literacy with fictional tide story OPTIONAL: Other cultural stories related to tide include Japanese Happy Hunter and Skillful Fisher (Tide jewels) and Thor drinks from the Horn (creating the tides). Tide Science Directed Reading Embodied tide demonstration - how the sun, moon, earth and tide all relate I wonder: Is there really a connection between the moon and the tides? Can we observe it?
6.1.2. Observe and investigate the tide and moon cycle in Nanaimo (science content, grade 4)
6.1.3. Observe patterns, record data (Science competency, grade 4) Daily beach walk to observe tides Measuring tides at same time each day. Why different every day? By how much? Review the phases of the moon Students observe moon for next days and record, along with tide observations Create moon flip-books, based on information we can find on the moon (e.g. in a calendar or online) and/or our observations. Adapted From Tlingit Moon and Tide, Chapter 2: Dis: The Moon in Tlingit Culture Lesson 2
6.1.4. Make predictions based on observations of patterns (science competency, grade 4; math, Big idea and competency, grade 4) Reading tide charts and using math to make predictions Tlingit Moon and Tide, Chapter 3. People of the Tide, Lesson 2., Activity 2, 3, and 4 Confirming connection between the moon and the tide - Record on calendar. From Tlingit Moon and Tide, Chapter 3: People and the Tide, Lesson 3. Assessment: Low Tide Field Trip Guide for DBES 2017-2018 school year
7. Where does the garbage on our shores come from? Does it matter?
7.1. Students will understand how ocean currents move water and objects around the world
7.1.1. Make predictions based on observations (science content, grade 4) Observe and investigate flotsam in Nanaimo and on the BC coast Daily beach walks, observe flotsam Investigate currents for Pacific Northwest e.g. watch Study Jams: Waves and Currents (Scholastic) How do currents work? Hot-cold Demonstration Look at maps together
7.1.2. Use a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts to build understandings of and connections to the local shoreline in Nanaimo (ELA Big Idea, grade 4) Storywork Lesson Plan with "Flotsam" Wiesner, David. 2006. Flotsam. Ney York: Clarion Books. Reading article about japanese fish boat on BC coast, and whole class discussion of flotsam we have found. Message in a bottle: Critical thinking Challenge (Consensus - Individual answer first, then in groups) I wonder: If we put a message in a bottle, where would it end up? Would we have to write it in a different language?
7.1.3. Use variety of texts (written, visual, experiences) as inspiration for creative writing. [Transform ideas and information to create original texts] (ELA, Competency, grade 4) Writers workshop: Writing our own flotsam stories
7.1.4. Students can take care of their local environment. (Core competency, Social Responsibility.) OPTIONAL: Beach clean-up of garbage