Lessons From the Dark Side: Good Growth Hacking with Evil Usability

Talk by Lance Loveday (CEO, Closed Loop) during WMD 2016

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Lessons From the Dark Side: Good Growth Hacking with Evil Usability by Mind Map: Lessons From the Dark Side: Good Growth Hacking with Evil Usability

1. Lance Loveday, Founder/ CEO, Closed Loop

1.1. @loveday

1.2. https://www.linkedin.com/in/lanceloveday

2. 5 Lessons for Good - 5 Darsk side tactics

2.1. Evilometer (relative morality)

2.1.1. inept - anti-patterns

2.1.2. good - customer feedback

2.1.3. crafty - growth hacking

2.1.4. bad - obscuring details scuzzy design

2.1.5. evil - dark patterns

3. 1. Ambigu-Buttons

3.1. yes

3.2. also yes

3.3. under some circumstances

3.4. Example:

3.4.1. <Skip content>

3.4.2. <Get content>

4. 2. Dictatorial Upsell

4.1. Choice:

4.1.1. Product you choose: X

4.1.2. 1st upsell more expensive truck

4.1.3. 2nd upsell e.g. insurance at 50% premium Opt out: not clear -- shading remains

4.1.4. 3rd upsell main CTA: "add these supplies" opt out link only

4.2. Evil Design

5. 3. Ego-crushing Opt-out

5.1. Evil Examples:

5.1.1. Yes- bulletproof my health

5.1.2. No- health means nothing

6. 4. Roach Motel

6.1. Roaches check in, but they don't check out

6.1.1. Pop up: CTA: return to site x i.e. close return to site

6.1.2. Unsubscribe Email: > manage my emails 7 clicks to unsub.

7. 5. Anglerfish

7.1. device that makes it look like something little fish want

7.1.1. "Lowest" button BA: shaded options labeled "lowest" but are not lowest price

7.1.2. "Green" button condition user to press "next" by pressing green button -- buy now button = green

8. Slide Deck