Teaching, Learning & Development

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Teaching, Learning & Development by Mind Map: Teaching, Learning & Development

1. Diverse Learners: Purposeful encouragement of diversity and making the academic achievement of all students a primary educational goal

1.1. Strategies for Working with Diverse Learners

1.1.1. Demonstration of High Expectations

1.1.2. Implementation of Culturally Relevant Instruction

1.1.3. Establishment of Caring Relationships

1.1.4. Parent and Community Involment

2. 5. Assessing Student Progress

2.1. Purpose of Assessment: To measure and indicate student achievement

2.1.1. Diagnostic Assessment

2.1.2. Formative Assessment

2.1.3. Summative Assessment

3. Backward Design

4. Content Validity

5. Erickan's Views of Evaluative Feedback

5.1. 1. Student's Self-Esteem

5.2. 2. Student Self-Assessment

5.3. 3. Interaction in Learning Environments

5.4. 4. Teacher/Student Dialogue

6. 6. Individual Differences -Intellectual Abilities & Chalennges

6.1. Universal Design of Learning: Approach to learning, teaching, curriculum development, and assessment that uses new technologies to respond to variety of individual differences

6.1.1. 1. Representation

6.1.2. 2. Action & Expression

6.1.3. 3. Engagment

6.2. Differentiated Instruction: Variety of teaching and learning strategies that are necessary to meet the range of needs evident in any classroom.

6.2.1. 1. Content

6.2.2. 2. Process

6.2.3. 3. Products

6.2.4. 4. Learning Environment

6.3. Special Education

6.3.1. Building an Inclusive Practice for all students, including those with exceptionalities

6.3.2. Individual Education Program

7. Intelligence: "Groups of intellectual behaviours, both goal-directed and adaptive, that can have a significant impact on how and how well students learn" (193).

7.1. Fluid Intelligence

7.2. Crystallized Intelligence

7.3. Visual-Spatial Reasoning

8. Componential Sub-Theory

8.1. Analytical Abilities: In order to judge, analyze, evaluate, compare and contrast

9. Contextual Sub-Theory

9.1. Analytic Abilities: Put into practice, apply, use and impliment

10. Experiential Sub-Theory

10.1. Creative Abilities: To create, discover, invent, imagine and explore

11. 7. Socio-Cultural Considerations

11.1. Socio-Cultural Perspective

11.1.1. Positioning Cultural Identity within the Individual

11.1.2. Critical Consciousness Disposition

11.1.3. *Building a Culturally Responsive Practise: Built upon broad cultural knowledge and instructional base that grows as students, contexts and subject matter shift

11.2. Stereotype Threat: Fear that behaviour will confirm an existing negative stereotype about identity group

11.3. Socio-Economic Status: Social class based on education, occupation and income

11.4. Multicultural Education: Focus for teachers is understanding each individual student identity and how this is formed in relation to associations with various groups

11.4.1. Bank's Model

11.4.2. Aboriginal Education

12. 8. Standardized Achievement Tests

12.1. Standardized Test: Contains same questions for all test-takers and is administered and scored within a systematic and uniform manner

12.1.1. Aptitude Test: Specific ability test to assess a students' specific cognitive, social and behavioural skills

12.1.2. Achievement Test: Provides a broad overview of academic performances for large groups of students

12.1.3. How Should Better Standardized Test be Constructed? Curriculum Instruction Assessment

12.1.4. In Preparing Students for Test Writing, Teachers Should Remember: 1. A teacher's primary obligation is to teach well 2. Educate students about test formats in order to familiarize and decrease potential stress 3. Demonstrate positive test attitude 4. Teach students "test wise" strategies in an attempt to reduce anxiety

12.1.5. Interpreting Test Results: In order to help teachers develop a better overall standing of their student's academic progress and highlight curricular content areas and earning processes that are well consolidated or need attention

13. "Effective student-regulated advocate strongly for teachers to provide students with, and engage students in, explicit cognitive strategies for a)making choices, b)reflecting on meaningfulness of these choices, c)seeing their choices through to completion, and d)reflecting on the outcomes of their actions" (79).

14. Dynamic Classroom Management

14.1. Motivational Underpinnings: "All behaviours are an effort to get something or an effort to avoid something, and all behaviours are maintained changed, or shaped by consequences" (76).

14.2. Positive Behaviour Support

14.3. Classroom Discourse Research

14.4. Nurturing Student Needs

15. 1. Planning for the Upcoming School Year

15.1. Reflective Practise: The importance of analyzing and reflecting upon one's teaching practice in order to become a more effective educator.

15.2. Educational Psychology

15.2.1. Schwab's Four Commonplaces: Teacher + Curriculum + Student + Classroom

15.2.2. "Psychological theories without tangible educational applications are merely exercises in academic exploration" (8).

15.3. Curriculum Design & Planning

16. Research Methods

16.1. Step 1: Observation of Phenomena

16.2. Step 2: Formation of Questions

16.3. Step 3: Application of Research Methods

16.4. Step 4: Development of Guiding Principles

16.5. Step 5: Development of Theories

17. 2. Considering Developmental Differences

17.1. Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive development

17.2. Erikson's Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development

17.3. Kohlberg's Six Stage Theory

17.4. Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory Featuring Five Environmental Systems

17.5. Student's Perspective: the essence of school is learning.

17.6. Teacher's Perspective: the essence of student learning is motivation.

17.7. Education Psychology Perspective: understanding motivation is key to understanding why things happen in classrooms.

18. 3. Establishing a Positive Learning Environment

19. Self-Regulated Behaviour Management

19.1. ADHD: Usually aware of their behaviours and the problems associated, but cannot control their behaviour without specific interventions

19.1.1. 'On-Task Self Monitoring Techniques

20. Growth Mindset: Leads to a desire to learn and a tendency to:

20.1. Embrace challenges

20.2. Persist in the face of setbacks

20.3. See effort as the path to mastery

20.4. Learn from criticism

20.5. Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others

20.5.1. This all results in a greater sense of free will & higher levels of achievement

21. 4. Making Instructional Decisions

21.1. Universal Instructional Design

21.2. Inquiry Based Learning

21.2.1. A Teachers Role in an Inquiry Classroom: Facilitator of Learning

21.3. 10 Day Timetable

21.4. Teacher Checklist

21.5. HPL Framework

22. Strategies for CoOperative Learning

22.1. Scripted CoOperation

22.2. Two/Four -- Questions More

22.3. Panel of Experts

22.4. One-Minute Book Discussions

22.5. Numbered Heads Together

23. Blooms Taxonomy of Cognitive Skills

23.1. 1. Knowledge

23.2. 2. Comprehenion

23.3. 3. Application

23.4. 4. Analysis

23.5. 5. Synthesis

23.6. 6. Evaluation