Attachment/Nurturing Theory
저자: Crystal Mathis
1. Discussion
1.1. Securely attached children use their caregivers as a secure base from which to explore the environment. When in the presence of their caregiver, securely attached infants explore the room and examine toys that have been placed in it. When the caregiver departs, securely attached infants might protest mildly, and when the caregiver returns these infants reestablish positive interaction with her, perhaps by smiling or climbing onto her lap. Subsequently, they usually resume playing with the toys in the room.
1.2. Some develop-mentalists think that too much emphasis has been placed on the attachment bond in infancy. A criticism of attachment theory is that it ignores the diversity of socializing agents and contexts that exists in an infant's world. Some infants inherit a low tolerance for stress, this, rather than an insecure attachment bond, maybe responsible for an inability to get along with peers.
1.3. Caregiving Styles and Attachment Is the style of caregiving linked with the quality of the infant's attachment? Securely attached babies have caregivers who are sensitive to their signals and are consistently available to respond to their infants’ needs. These caregivers often let their babies have an active part in determining the onset and pacing of interaction in the first year of life. One study revealed that maternal sensitivity in responding was linked to infant attachment security. In some cases, these caregivers are depressed. In sum, caregivers’ interactions with infants influence whether infants are securely or insecurely attached to the caregivers.
2. My son is wonderful he is a securely attached child. Although he doesn't do will when he is being left with people that he hasn't spent time with with me. He is always happy to see me again. When we go to the park and he sees other children or adults he will go say hi then either play with them or by himself. He is a very self sufficient child. He loves playing by himself or with others. He loves when I read to him and play with him.
3. How it relates to Real World Experience
3.1. One example is breastfeeding: I breastfeed my son until he was 2 and a half and only stopped because I was forced to by my ex-husband. I choose to do it for the bond that it created with my son.
3.2. Breastfeeding satisfies an infant's nutritional and emotional needs better than any other method of infant feeding
3.2.1. Breastfeeding continues to be normal and important nutritionally, immunologically, and emotionally beyond one year.
3.2.2. Breastfeeding has many benefits for both mother and baby.
3.2.3. Nursing is a valuable mothering tool to naturally comfort a baby.
3.2.4. "Comfort Nursing" meets a baby's sucking needs.
3.3. Another example would be nurturing touch stimulates growth-promoting hormones, improves intellectual and motor development, and helps regulate babies' temperature, heart rate, and sleep/wake patterns. Babies who receive nurturing touch gain weight faster, nurse better, cry less, are calmer, and have better intellectual and motor development. Skin-to-skin contact is especially effective
3.3.1. Breastfeeding and joint baths offer opportunities to snuggle skin-to-skin.
3.3.2. Massage can soothe babies with colic, help a child unwind before bedtime, and provides opportunity for playful interactions.
3.3.3. Carrying, and baby wearing using a soft carrier, meets a baby's need for physical contact, comfort, security, stimulation and movement, all of which encourage neurological development.