1. Fighters against racism
1.1. Nelson Mandela
1.1.1. Nelson Mandela is called South Africas father. He fought for the blacks in South Africa and became the first black president in South Africa.
1.2. Rosa Parks
1.2.1. She was a woman who refused to give her seat in a bus to a white man so she were arrested. This gave the blacks a chance to protest against segregation in buses. She was a member of the NAACP.
1.3. Malcolm X
1.3.1. He was a fighter like King, but he fought with violence.
1.4. NAACP
1.4.1. NAACP is a shortening for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. It was an organization who protested against segregation. King was a member of NAACP.
1.5. Civil rights movement
1.5.1. An organization of all blacks who fought against racism. All the persons who fought segregation were members of this organization. They fought in the South.
2. Presidents
2.1. J. F. Kennedy
2.1.1. In 1963 Kennedy fought for the blacks. He made a speech. Shortly after he was shot.
2.2. Lyndon Johnson
2.2.1. Lyndon Johnson was the president after J. F. Kennedy. He act out many of Kennedy's ideas. Among other things he made segregation illegal.
2.3. Barack Obama
2.3.1. Obama was the first black president i the US. After his four years as president he was re-elected.
3. New words
3.1. Cope - at klare den
3.2. Refuse - nægte/sige nej til
3.3. Prejudiced - fordomsfulde
3.4. Civil rights act - lov der gjorde adskillelse ulovlig
3.5. Equal - lige
3.6. Segregation - raceadskillelse
3.7. Racial tensions - spændinger i mellem sorte og hvide
3.8. Legislation - lovgivning
3.9. Social justice - Social uretfærdighed
3.10. Snap-judgement - Hvis man dømmer andre, efter det første man ser.
3.11. prejudice - Fordom
4. Against blacks
4.1. Ku Klux Klan
4.1.1. A group of white soldiers who dressed up in whites dresses so nobody recognized them. Shortly after the organization was started more than four million whites belonged to the Ku Klux Klan. They burned black schools and killed many people. They were the most famous group against blacks and they are still active today.
5. Famous protests
5.1. Montgomery bus boycott
5.1.1. The blacks had to pay in the front of the bus and they had to walk out of the bus and down to the blacks area. If there were no more seats to the whites then the blacks had to stand.
5.1.2. It all started when Rosa Parks was arrested because she would not give her seat to a white man. The blacks were very discontented with this. A group of conspicuous blacks decided to protest against the bus company.
5.1.3. The boycott lasted more than a year. People walked to work.
5.2. Sit-ins
5.2.1. In some restaurants blacks could not order.
5.2.2. When you “sit-in” you sat on the tables in a restaurant until it closed to protest.
5.2.3. Once again non-violence had been successful.
5.2.4. Many blacks left their home to join the sit-ins.
5.3. Protest in Selma
5.3.1. There lived 30.000 people in a little town called Selma. Half of them were blacks, but only one percent of the blacks could vote.
5.3.2. They planned a protest march from Selma to Montgomery.
5.3.3. The police told them to march back. The marchers refused to stop and the police attacked them.
5.3.4. One man was killed.
6. Apartheid
6.1. Apartheid was a system to segregation in South Africa in the 19th century. In this period people were classified in different groups from their skin color. Whites had the highest status. This was what Nelson Mandela fought for.
7. Slavery
7.1. Facts
7.1.1. In 1619 were the first black slaves sailed to America. In the start of the 19th century there were two million slaves in America.
7.2. Treatment
7.2.1. From the start it was terrible to be a slave. They were sailed to America in ships where they lived side by side with no space. Many died on the trip.
7.3. Slaveowners
7.3.1. The owners could treat them as they liked. They were allowed to hit their slaves. Some were very evil, but some did also treat them good.
7.4. Work
7.4.1. In the South the slaves were used to cotton production, but in the North they often worked on factories.
7.5. Rights
7.5.1. The slaves who had a family were sometimes sold to different slaveowners and they never saw their family again. The vast majority could not vote.