1. Your work so far on H800 includes some individual reading and viewing/listening. Does Brown’s argument imply that this is less valuable than your group work?
1.1. ‘we participate therefore we are'
1.1.1. vs. Cartesian view which is more diadactic "he is perhaps not a big fan of traditional didactic methods." Shawn's post
1.1.2. basis is actually object relation theory in psychoanalysis; that, in fact, we come into being through object relations to other and that otherness is a critical part of creating our own identity, and so on and so forth
1.2. NO
1.2.1. "understanding is socially constructed, not knowledge" "the best indicator of success in college has to do with whether or not you know how to form, join, participate in study groups bar none" tudy groups work in a distributed way just as well as face to face example of motivation
2. What are the implications of his argument for your own use of technology – in your own learning and teaching?
2.1. use of ANY social tool to share understanding is valid
2.2. interaction is KEY - how this is done is a question of tool use, situation etc. The key issue is interaction - this is the driver of understanding and application of knowledge
3. What are your reactions to Brown’s style of presentation? What are its strengths and weaknesses compared with the webcast lecture in Week 1 about the Google Generation, or with other presentations you have seen?
3.1. again can't tell as audio doesn't work for me..... so this time read the text
3.2. allows you to get a sense of the overall ideas through listening...
3.3. issues of access...
4. Is it paradoxical that you are invited to listen to one person talking about, among other things, the importance of study groups?
4.1. no since he's giving knowledge - the social discussion in the forums is what'll give rise to the understanding - especially as we're being "enculturating into a practice"
4.2. it's a primer for further activity in the forums, so why not???
5. transcript
6. practical considerations
6.1. TEAL Project
6.1.1. v diff course - many students drop out
6.1.2. applied roundtable approach needed to retrain teachers - no more sage on a stage need to stop marking on a curve... incentives learners not to collaborate