Don't Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgments
by Robert Sweet
1. The damage of stereotyping
1.1. Makes us mentally lazy
1.2. stereotypes get in the way of our judgment
2. What I learned
2.1. we tend to stereotype because it helps us make sense out of a highly confusing world
2.2. Stereotypes makes us prejudge people
3. Reasons of stereotypes
3.1. We grew up with it. As in joking and being serious.
3.2. Helps us comprehend this crazy world we live in.
3.3. It's everywhere. You can't see to get away from it.
4. 3 steps to end the process
4.1. we can become aware of the standardized pictures in our heads
4.2. we can become suspicious of all judgments that we allow exceptions to prove.
4.3. we can learn to be chary of generalizations about people.