Pitching Myself to my Future Employer: Outline, By: Lauren Tobolski

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Pitching Myself to my Future Employer: Outline, By: Lauren Tobolski von Mind Map: Pitching Myself to my Future Employer: Outline, By: Lauren Tobolski

1. Beginning

1.1. Identity a Story

1.1.1. In the beginning the story that I will talk about is my application (Hunting Fantasy App) that I designed at Full Sail. I will describe how I dedicated my time, the work put in and the outcome of my final product. I will then ask my audience questions. I will explain how hard I strived, what motivated me, and how long it took to achieve my goal. Questions I will ask the audience? “Can you think of a time you had a design idea for a project?, What obstacles did you have to face and how did you make it possible?" When presenting the facts in the beginning of the presentation, I might ask "What do they want? What do the consumers want and how do we fulfill their needs?" What will the story consist of? My application that I built at FullSail for my portfolio. How it inspired me to work more on my applications and gave me motivation. The steps it took to create my application and what the process was.

2. Middle

2.1. Demonstrate how I'm qualified

2.1.1. The middle is where I really will demonstrate that I’ am qualified for this job. I will describe times when I had to do a class project and work together on teams to make one application come together. I will present many qualities that I have also.

3. Star Moments

3.1. I will research the company so i can present knowledge of the company

3.2. Express Motivation

3.3. Present a sample of my coding if they ask for it on the spot

4. Target Audience

4.1. What do we have in common?

4.1.1. We are all mobile Developers

4.1.2. We have goals of achieving better user interface applications

4.1.3. Experience

4.2. As app developers we are earning $5,000 or more per month in revenue.

4.3. Interesting points about industry?

4.3.1. By 2019, the app market will be making $99 billion

4.3.2. Projected job growth 131%

4.3.3. Salary increase of 7.8% since 2013

4.3.4. Why are these so interesting? The future is only getting larger for developers all around the globe Consumers want the best applications so we need to strive to do our best. Applications are stating to branch out into smart tv's, video game consoles and cars.

4.3.5. For example "Clash of Clans" earns $1,118,457 a day. Sources for these facts Fueled.com linkedIn.com roberthalf.com

4.4. Skills and Qualities

4.4.1. Being versatile

4.4.2. Having good design skills

4.4.3. Modern Program Languages

4.4.4. Computer Science and Mobile Development Degree Bachelor's of Science Degree, Mobile Development Program at FullSail University Associate's of Science, Computer Science Program at Cumberland County College

4.4.5. Good communication skills

4.4.6. Schedule Flexability

4.5. Presentation Techniques and Qualities

4.5.1. Use facts in my presentation

4.5.2. Talk with confidence when presenting

4.5.3. Engage my audience

4.5.4. Ask questions to keep their attention

4.5.5. Use examples from people who inspire me like Steve Jobs

5. End

5.1. Drive the audience

5.1.1. In the end I will show my audience what I want to accomplish in the industry. I will give examples of some applications, and ideas I have. I will ask questions that they have in the end and show some of my coding/work in from of them. Also I will state, “I can better this company because I have the skill, assets and the drive to achieve this companies goals.” Examples on how I will demonstrate this I will do a powerpoint presentation to show some of my applications. Sample code

6. True Message

6.1. Why are you doing this presentation?

6.1.1. To show that i'am a good candidate for this job

6.1.2. To better myself/give myself confidence

6.1.3. To show companies I'am capable of programming

6.2. What Result?

6.2.1. I hope to here good feeback

6.2.2. To get the position I'am applying for

6.2.3. To present well with confidence

6.3. What do you want the audience to do?

6.3.1. React to my presentation in a good way

6.3.2. Ask questions

6.3.3. Ultimately hire me to work for them

7. Your Future Self

7.1. How are you unique?

7.1.1. I know a lot of program languages C++ Java HTML SQL Python C# IOS Javascript

7.1.2. I work well alone or in teams

7.1.3. I have a lot of math skills under my belt so I can solve programs easier. Discrete, took at Fullsail Algebra Calculus Statistics, took at FullSail

7.1.4. I can get things done on time

7.2. Different Qualities

7.2.1. When a project is presented to me, I focus on it for a very good amount of time.

7.2.2. I see vision and purposes of each project I work on

7.2.3. I have a positive attitude no matter what stands in my way

7.2.4. I can take criticism very well and use it to my advantage

7.3. How will you excel?

7.3.1. I will create new ideas and represent them to my company to the best of my ability

7.3.2. Strive to do my best when creating a app or hardware device

7.3.3. Think and process ideas that the consumers want/need

7.3.4. Discuss my outline of applications with my co-workers

7.4. What hardware and software skills have you learned at Fullsail?

7.4.1. I have learned to program applications on my android device that I received when I first started at Fullsail

7.4.2. In our Apple programming language course we each learned Xcode.

7.4.3. In my integrated product development course at Fullsail we learned how to code different applications for different devices.

7.4.4. In Advanced Interface Design course we focused on design process skills.

7.5. What is your specialty?

7.5.1. My specialty is Apple Programming Language This focuses on Apple's operating system standards and OOPDA. I excelled well in this programming course at FullSail and got an A in the class. After taking the course at FullSail i was offered a tutor position for the course and took it immediately.

7.6. Unique Interests?

7.6.1. IOS programming

7.6.2. Just creating ideas for applications

7.6.3. Game and Utilities applications

7.6.4. I love to work with people to come up with ideas for projects.

7.7. Portfolio projects/Goals

7.7.1. Struck an internship at Apple, during my time at Fullsail.

7.7.2. Creating a couple applications Fishing App Hunting App Motocross App

7.7.3. Apple Dash (a secret project I have in mind)

7.7.4. I worked with the mobile development team at Fullsail and worked on the OrgSync application for Fullsail students.

7.7.5. I was chosen to be a game tester at FullSail

8. Helpful hints when presenting from: Slide:ology and Resonate

8.1. Think like a designer: Chapter 5

8.1.1. Arrangment

8.1.2. Visual Elements

8.1.3. Movement

8.2. Creating Movement: Chapter 9

8.2.1. Brainstorm metaphors "A cell phone is like your feet, there always being pushed where ever you go"

8.3. Change your world: Resonate

8.3.1. Keep this quote in mind as you present: "Your ideas may be simple, or they could contain the keys that unlock unknown mysteries. However, if you don’t communicate them well, they will lose their value and add nothing to humanity."-Resonate, 216