Technology Standards for Education

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Technology Standards for Education por Mind Map: Technology Standards for Education

1. Students through learning technologies will learn a variety of skills: gathering and identifying information, classifying and organizing, summarizing/synthesizing, analyzing/evaluating, speculating/predicting by using a variety of technologies/software tools: word processing, databases, spreadsheet, draw/paint applications, email, and many more

2. Processes for Technology

3. How Students will access, use and communicate information through technology. Students will learn how to use these technologies of a global and local scale, as well as aid in their investigation and problem solving skills, and through this engagement will learn personal knowledge and meaning.

4. Communicating, Inquiring, Decision Making and Problem Solving

5. Technology is about the way things are done, they are tools, processes, techniques that have helped educators, students and others alike communicate, inquire, make decisions and help solve problems- students/educators should learn to use them both ethically, and effectively.

6. A Way of Doing Things

7. Educators, students and others have equitable access to: devices and peripherals - digital learning environments - facilities designed to maximize learning and technology.

8. Educators at all levels use technology effectively: government and authorities in education clarify the policies and procedures laid out in educational and administration uses of technology - educators use technology innovatively, effectively, and efficiently - achieve cost effective measures for technology for the economy - provide up-to-date guidelines and standards for technology.

9. Digitally confident educators: well prepared to use technology/digital resources effectively for teaching - use technology/research to design personalized student-centerer leaning opportunities to reach and meet diverse need of students - engage in professional growth opportunities that are diverse through technology, communities and social media.

10. Educators must: stay current with technological research - participate in and apply the research founded in teaching - use data and evidence-based learning to monitor/ support student-centerer learning.

11. Students use technology, online/digital learning to: access, share, and create knowledge - discover and apply competencies over subject areas for learning and life - develop and apply digital citizenship/technological skills - are able to show what they know - and monitor learning processes and make informed decisions through use of data and evidence-reasoning.

12. Policy Direction 5: Access, Infrastructure and Digital Learning Environments

13. Policy Direction 4: Leadership

14. Policy Direction 3: Professional Learning

15. Policy Direction 2: Research and Innovation

16. Policy Direction 1: Student-Centered Learning

17. Students curate a variety of technological tools/sources to construct knowledge and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and those around them.

18. Students use technology to engage and show competency within their learning.

19. Knowledge Constuctor

20. ICT Programs of Study

21. Learning and Technology Policy Framework

22. Students through the ICT programs will learn to navigate the technological world in an effective, efficient, and ethical way

23. Digital Citizen

24. Students will gain an understanding of technology, as well as understand how it plays into their everyday life, will practice the concepts of safety when using technology, and will gain a basic understanding of the technologies presented to them.

25. Foundational Operations, Knowledge and Concepts

26. Students will learn to: compose, revise, edit texts - organize and manipulate data - learn how to communicate and integrate applications into their lives through various forms of multimedia

27. Processes for Productivity

28. Teachers use their knowledge from experiences, and technology to facilitate an advanced learning experiences for students in both the digital world, and face-to-face teaching.

29. Teachers understand societal issues and responsibilities in a digital context, and exhibit ethical behaviour in their practices.

30. Teachers design, develop, and situate learning experiences and assessments of students to ensure content learning in a variety of ways to develop attitudes and skills outlined in the ISTE standards

31. Teachers model knowledge and innovative skills within the broader digital and global community.

32. Teachers continuously grow and develop in their professional practices (become lifelong learners) and show the values of digital technologies in their classroom and communities.

33. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

34. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

35. Model Digital Age Work and Learning

36. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

37. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

38. Students will learn to use technology tools/forums to be able to design a process to solve problems by being able to create imaginative solutions.

39. Students will learn to use digital tools/forums to be able to learn and broaden their perspectives by learning to communicate and collaborate with the world both locally and internationally.

40. Students will be able to use a variety of technologies and formats to be able to communicate/express clearly the idea/concept put forward.

41. Students will learn how to use and develop technologies to solve/understand and collect data to be able to find and develop solutions to problems.

42. Students will learn and recognize how to practice safe and ethical standards on online forums.

43. Global Collaborator

44. Creative Communicator

45. Computational Thinker

46. Digital Citizen

47. Innovative Designer

48. Empowered Learner

49. ISTE Standards for Students (2016)

50. ISTE Standards for Teachers (2008)