Tennessee V. Garner

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Tennessee V. Garner by Mind Map: Tennessee V. Garner

1. 1.) The final point the court made was that the traditional common law rule allowing such force to be used was outdated and unnecessary due to advances and new society views on the use of force

2. 2.) Statue number: 40-7-108

3. 1.) At 10:45 pm, October 3, 1974 Memphis Police officer Elton Hymon, and Leslie Wright were dispatched to answer a "prowler inside call."

4. WHAT:


6. 2.) The supreme court case was held and settled in 1985.

7. 1.) This incident occurred at 10:45 pm, October 3, 1974.

8. 1.) -Edward Garner (fleeing suspect) -Leslie Wright and Elton Hymon (Police officers)

9. 2.) The officer in question shot an unarmed suspected felon. The police were summoned to stop a suspected burglary.

10. WHO:

11. WHEN: