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Images by Mind Map: Images

1. IMG

1.1. border-radius

1.2. width

1.3. alt

1.4. src

1.5. height

1.6. Float

1.7. border

1.8. Sprite

1.8.1. left: 0px;

1.8.2. width: 46px;

1.8.3. background: url('img_navsprites.gif') 0 0;

1.8.4. Hover

2. image Map

2.1. area

2.2. ismap

2.3. shape

2.4. coords

2.5. MAP

3. Gallery

4. Types

4.1. JPG

4.2. PNG

4.3. GIF

5. Canvas

5.1. 1. var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");

5.2. 2. var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

5.3. 3. ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";

5.4. 3B. createLinearGradient(x,y,x1,y1) - creates a linear gradient createRadialGradient(x,y,r,x1,y1,r1) - creates a radial/circular gradient

5.5. Coordinates

5.5.1. X

5.5.2. Y

5.6. Shapes

5.6.1. Line lineCap lineJoin lineWidth

5.6.2. Circle

5.6.3. Rectangle rect() fillRect() strokeRect() clearRect()

5.6.4. Paths

5.7. TEXT

5.8. Colors, Styles and Shadows

5.8.1. fillStyle

5.8.2. strokeStyle

5.8.3. shadowColor

5.8.4. shadowBlur

5.8.5. shadowOffsetX

5.8.6. shadowOffsetY

5.9. Image Drawing

5.9.1. drawImage()

5.10. Full Page

6. Special Effects

6.1. filter

6.1.1. Blur

6.1.2. Brightness

6.1.3. Contrast

6.1.4. Drop Shadow

6.1.5. Gray Scale

6.1.6. Hue Rotate

6.1.7. Invert

6.1.8. opacity

6.1.9. Saturation

6.1.10. Sepia

6.2. visibility

6.3. Link

6.4. Write on Image

6.5. Hover Overlay

6.5.1. Fade in Text

6.5.2. Fade in box

6.5.3. Slide In Top Bottom Left Right

7. SVG

7.1. Shapes

7.1.1. Rectangle <rect>

7.1.2. Circle <circle>

7.1.3. Ellipse <ellipse>

7.1.4. Line <line>

7.1.5. Polyline <polyline>

7.1.6. Polygon <polygon>

7.1.7. Path <path>

7.1.8. Text

7.2. stroke

7.2.1. stroke-dasharray

7.2.2. stroke-linecap

7.2.3. stroke-width

7.3. Effects

7.3.1. Blur <feGaussianBlur>

7.3.2. Drop Shadow <feOffset>

7.3.3. Gradients Radial Gradient - <radialGradient> Linear Gradient <linearGradient>

7.3.4. Move text along a motion path