MGMT 340 Entrepreneurship

The material covered in this course will provide students with the knowledge necessary to make sense of how their future careers will be shaped by entrepreneurial activities. It will also allow them to be active participants in the planning, analysis, development, and implementation of entrepreneurial environments as they enter the job market or develop organizations of their own.

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MGMT 340 Entrepreneurship by Mind Map: MGMT 340 Entrepreneurship

1. Learning Outcomes

1.1. Resume

1.1.1. This is a senior level class & many students haven't developed a resume. This bonus assignment will provide input by your instructor and sources for assistance in the preparation of your resume.

1.2. Moodle Profile

1.2.1. This is an online class & you will be interacting with other students in the class. This bonus assignment will allow you to introduce yourself to the other members of the class.

1.3. Chapter Quizzes

1.3.1. The readings from the chapters & chapter quizzes will provide a foundation knowledge in the core components of Entrepreneurship

1.4. Midterm Exam

1.4.1. The Midterm exam will measure your understanding of Entrepreneurship, Idea to Opportunity, & the Key Components of a Business Plan. This knowledge will be used by you as you begin the development of your Business Plan.

1.5. Final Exam

1.5.1. The Final Exam will measure your understanding of Entrepreneurship, how move from planning a business to actually funding it, and finally launching, growing, and ending the business.

1.6. Projects

1.6.1. Project Proposal & Research This research paper has two (2) components: 1.) Business Proposal - you identify the "dream business" that will be used in the development of your Business Plan, 2.) you will research and write a two (2) paper on the Executive Summaries & Pro Formas. These are two of the key components of a Business Plan. Armed with this information/knowledge, you will be ready to develop your Business Pro Forma.

1.6.2. Business Pro Forma Using the tacit knowledge obtained in their Research Project, students develop a Pro Forma. The development of the Pro Forma will provide students with an understanding of the financial decision process when determining the GO/NO GO as to whether to start a new business. In this project, students will learn how to develop a spreadsheet that will project revenues, expenses, and the amount of funds required to start their proposed "dream" business.

1.6.3. Final Project Students will received detailed comments from the professor on their Pro Forma developed in the previous product. After making the suggested changes, students will learn how to determine how long it will take to make the business profitable and to make the final decision as to whether or not to move forward with the development of the business. For students, the culmination of these projects will result in learning a skill set that is commonly know in the business world as being able to "run the numbers" on business opportunities.

2. Learning Objectives

2.1. Chapter Quizzes and Midterm & Final Exams

2.1.1. Foundation/Structural Knowledge of Entrepreneurship

2.2. Research Projects

2.2.1. Executive Summary & Pro Forma Develop an understanding of the key components of a Business Plan

2.2.2. Business Proposal Organize/Clarify Proposal for your "Dream Business"

2.3. Business Proposal Pro Forma

2.3.1. Develop Finance Plan for a New Business

2.3.2. Develop "Know How" to "Run the Numbers" for a Potential New Business

2.3.3. Understand the Cost & Time Requirements for Setting Up a New Business

2.3.4. Understand from the Investor's Perspective their Yes/No decisions

2.3.5. Learn how to make the Yes/No decision as to whether you should move forward with time and resource commitment on the proposed business

3. Assignments

3.1. Quizzes

3.2. Midterm/Final Exam

3.3. Papers

3.3.1. Business Proposal

3.3.2. Research Paper on Executive Summaries & Pro Forma

3.4. Pro Forma

3.4.1. Based on Business Proposal

3.4.2. First Year (Month-by-Month)

3.4.3. Years 2-3 Annualized

3.4.4. Break Even Analysis

3.4.5. Assumptions on Pro Forma

4. Resources

4.1. Textbook

4.1.1. eBook

4.1.2. Hardback Book

4.2. Online Resources

4.2.1. Chapter PowerPoint Slides

4.2.2. Chapter Summaries

4.2.3. Pro Forma Sample Template Pro Forma Podcast

4.3. Instructor

4.3.1. Dr. Cheek Bio Podcast

4.3.2. Contact Information eMail Telephone Skype Facebook Twitter

4.4. Moodle

4.4.1. Help Desk

4.4.2. Online Help

5. New node