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Progressives by Mind Map: Progressives

1. Feminism

1.1. The New Feminism

1.1.1. Feminists' forthright attack on traditional rules of sexual behavior added a new dimension to the discussion of personal freedom.

1.1.2. Issues of intimate personal relations previously confined to private discussion blazed forth in popular magazines and public debates.

1.2. The Birth Control Movement

1.2.1. Emma Goldman lectured on sexual freedom and access to birth control.

1.2.2. Margaret Sanger placed the issue of birth control at the heart of the new feminism.

1.3. Hull House

1.3.1. Organized women reformers spoke for the more democratic side of Progressivism.

1.3.2. In doing so, they placed on the political agenda new understandings of female freedom.

1.3.3. Jane Addams founded Hull House in Chicago.

1.3.4. The new woman was college educated, middle class, and devoted to providing social services.

1.3.5. Settlement houses produced many female reformers.

1.4. Suffrage

1.4.1. The campaign for woman suffrage became a mass movement.

1.4.2. By 1900, over half the states allowed women to vote in local elections dealing with school issues.

1.5. Maternalist Reform

1.5.1. Ironically, the desire to exalt women's role within the home did much to inspire the reinvigoration of the suffrage movement.

1.5.2. Muller v. Oregon (1908) upheld the constitutionality of an Oregon law setting maximum working hours for women.

1.5.3. Louis Brandeis

1.5.4. Brandeis argued that the right to government assistance derived from citizenship itself.

2. Prohibition

2.1. Anti-Saloon League

2.2. The campaign to ban intoxicating liquor had a variety of supporters and gained momentum.

2.2.1. Like the suffrage movement, prohibitionists came to see national legislation as their best strategy.

2.2.2. Eighteenth Amendment

3. State and Local Reforms

3.1. State and local governments enacted most of the era's reform measures.

3.2. The Gilded Age mayors such as Hazen Pingree pioneered urban Progressivism.

3.2.1. fggff

3.3. The most influential Progressive administration at the state level was that of Robert M. La Follette, who made Wisconsin a "laboratory for democracy."

4. Progressive Democracy

4.1. Progressives hoped to reinvigorate democracy by restoring political power to the citizenry and civic harmony to a divided society.

4.2. But the Progressive era also witnessed numerous restrictions on democratic participation.

4.3. Voting was seen more as a privilege for a few.

5. Native-American Progressivism

5.1. The Society of American Indians was founded in 1911 as a reform organization independent of white control.

5.1.1. Goals of Society of American Indians together indian intellectuals to promote plight Remedying injustice Created pan-indian public space independent of white controls

5.2. Carlos Montezuma became an outspoken critic, demanding that all Indians be granted full citizenship.

6. Labor

6.1. The courts rejected the claims of labor.

6.2. Labor unions fought for the right to assemble and speak freely.

6.3. Ethnic divisions within laboring immigrant classes: made labor unity difficult

6.4. Laborers fought for basic rights in workplace AND outside leisure/quality of life

7. African American Activists

7.1. Movement created to correct socioeconomic disparity between African Americans/others

7.1.1. Ida B. Wells African American schoolteacher suing after being forced to desert her place on a train

7.1.2. W.E.B. DuBois Believed in societal mobility thru African Americans working, supported pan-African Movement, an author and sociologist

7.1.3. Booker T. Washington "Character, not circumstances, makes the man" believed in individual responsibility

8. Progressive Presidents

8.1. Taft

8.1.1. Taft pursued antitrust policy even more aggressively than Roosevelt.

8.1.2. He supported the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

8.1.3. Progressive Republicans broke from Taft after the Ballinger-Pinchot affair.

8.1.4. Election of 1912 The election was a four-way contest between Taft, Roosevelt, the Democrat Woodrow Wilson, and the Socialist Eugene V. Debs. It became a national debate on the relationship between political and economic freedom in the age of big business.

8.2. Theodore Roosevelt

8.2.1. 42, youngest man to hold office after Mckinley was assassinated

8.2.2. Actively and continuously engaged in domestic and foreign affairs

8.2.3. Roosevelt’s program, called Square Deal, attempted to confront the problems caused by economic consolidation by distinguishing “good” and “bad” corporations

8.2.4. Intention to prosecute under Sherman Antitrust Act

8.2.5. Conservation Movement First national Park, Yellowstone in Wyoming Conservation became concerted federal policy under roosevelt Millions of acres set aside as wildlife preserves Aim was less to end the economic utilization of natural resource than to develop responsible scientific plan for their use. Halted reckless assault on nation’s forests Loggings, mining and grazing on public lands should be controlled not eliminated Conservation reflected progressive strides toward efficiency and control Built dams and irrigation to regularize flow, prevent waste and provide water

8.3. Woodrow Wilson

8.3.1. With Democrats in control of Congress, Wilson moved aggressively to implement his version of Progressivism. Underwood Tariff Wilson proved himself a strong executive leader.

8.3.2. Clayton Act

8.3.3. The Expanding Role of Government Federal Reserve system Federal Trade Commission