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basketball by Mind Map: basketball

1. teams

1.1. how many teams are there?

1.2. how many people can be on a team?

1.3. what is the best team?

1.4. what is the worst team?

2. shoes

2.1. what is the most expensive basketball shoe?

2.1.1. Reebok Question

2.2. what shoes is best for 3 pointers?

2.2.1. Nike KD 7

2.3. what shoe is best for kids?

2.4. what shoe is best for defending?

2.4.1. Nike Kobe XI Elite

3. basketballs

3.1. does the type of basket ball you use affect how the player plays?

3.2. how many types of basket balls are there?

3.3. what basket ball is used more?

3.4. what is the worst basketball to use?

4. players

4.1. who has the best KD of all time?

4.2. who is the youngest NBA player?

4.3. who is the oldest NBA player?

4.4. who has the most 3-pointers?

4.4.1. Ray Allen