3. Production: Process Trigger

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3. Production: Process Trigger by Mind Map: 3. Production: Process Trigger

1. 3.5 Conclusion

1.1. Key takeaways

2. 3.4 Variability and Aggregation

2.1. Your job in 3.4

2.2. A. Aggregating demands

2.2.1. Aggregating variable demands

2.3. B. How to measure variability?

2.3.1. Variability: how to measure it?

2.3.2. Summary

2.4. C. Exercises on measuring variability

2.4.1. Problems

2.5. D. Variability decreases by aggregation

2.5.1. Variability: Reduction by Aggregation

2.5.2. Summary

2.6. E. Exercises on aggregation

2.6.1. Problems

2.7. F. Examples of aggregation in Supply Chain

2.7.1. Examples of gain by aggregation

2.8. G. Limits

2.8.1. Gain by aggregation: limits

3. 3.3 Postponement / Late Differentiation

3.1. Your job in 3.3

3.2. A. Late Differentiation: concept

3.2.1. Late Differentiation

3.3. B. Late Differentiation in a nutshell

3.3.1. Diagram

3.4. C. Electrical Appliances

3.4.1. A business example of late differentiation

3.5. D. Clothing Industry

3.5.1. Late Differentiation in Clothing Industry

3.6. E. Summary and examples of your own

3.6.1. Summary

3.6.2. Examples of Late Differentiation

4. 3.2 The Birthday Cake Business

4.1. Your job in 3.2

4.2. A. Description of the new business

4.2.1. Introducing the new business

4.3. B. An exercise

4.3.1. Your job (instructions)

4.3.2. Your answer on the discussion forum

4.3.3. Your participation

4.4. C. Three proposals for the Operations

4.4.1. Three proposals

4.5. D. Your guess: why is Solution 2 better?

4.5.1. Wordcloud

4.5.2. Compare your words to the others'

4.6. E. My answer

4.6.1. One best solution?

5. 3.1 Make-To-Order VS Make-To-Stock

5.1. Your job in 3.1

5.2. A. Differences between MTO and MTS

5.2.1. MTS vs MTO - Introduction

5.3. B. Your guess: which attribute is impacted by the choice MTO/MTS?

5.3.1. Survey"Which strategy is stronger?"

5.4. C. Your guess: which financial element is impacted by choice MTO/MTS

5.4.1. Survey "Impact on EVA elements"

5.5. D. Pros and Cons

5.5.1. MTS vs MTO - Pros and cons

5.6. E. Conclusions

5.6.1. MTS vs MTO - Conclusion

5.6.2. Summary of pros and cons

6. 3.0 Overview Module 3

6.1. Quick feedback on Module 2

6.2. How we will use the Big Picture?

6.2.1. The Big Picture: How to use it?

6.3. The focus of modules 3 & 4

6.3.1. Production Organization: Overall Plan

6.4. Mindmap

6.5. Learning Objectives