Erasmus in Istanbul, Turkey

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Erasmus in Istanbul, Turkey by Mind Map: Erasmus in Istanbul, Turkey

1. State of Mind before departure

1.1. Eager to discover new way of life, meet new people

2. Economic Situation

2.1. world's 18th largest nominal GDP

2.2. Main industries: textiles, food processing, autos, electronics, tourism, mining

2.3. Economy : Hostage of political tensions and terrorism

3. fears

3.1. safety (terrorist attacks)

3.1.1. Participation is heavily valorized

3.2. 4 courses in English

3.3. Sabanci University

3.3.1. MBA (graduate program)

3.3.2. Strict rules, intensive courses Emerging Market

4. Social integration

4.1. Team Sports at university every week

4.2. Meetings with Turkish students after class

4.3. Meetings with Erasmus students

4.4. Meetings with company executives

5. State of Mind at                     the end of the Exchange

5.1. Hoping Political & Social situation will get better in a soon future

5.2. Sad it's over, but happy it happened

6. accomplishments

6.1. adding few more cities to my travel list

6.1.1. learning more about different cultures (Turkish, Syrian, and way more..)

6.2. Looking forwark to discovering a new culture again

6.3. having friends from all over the world

6.4. being able to communicate although I don't speak Turkish