The Twelve Olympians

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The Twelve Olympians by Mind Map: The Twelve Olympians

1. Characters

1.1. Zeus

1.1.1. lighting god

2. characters

2.1. witches

2.1.1. all powers

2.2. hades

2.2.1. god of under world

2.3. weapons

2.3.1. sword

2.3.2. bow and arrow magic wand dagger

3. Plan

3.1. playing cards

3.1.1. drawing paper

3.1.2. pencils

3.1.3. pens

3.1.4. plasterscene

3.1.5. New node

3.2. to write challenges

4. Myths and Legenbds

5. myths and legands

6. New node

7. Poseidon

7.1. water god

8. myths or legends