Supporting Achievement for All in the classroom
by Christina Preston
1. Literacy, classes etc for parents and trips to art galleries deciding through interviews
2. Identifying barriers at an early stage
3. Technology in the classroom
3.1. Using data intelligently and holistically and more frequently
3.2. Tight use of data and use it to feed into outcomes. e.g. you can pick up evidence about the impact of homework clubs
3.3. How does a school’s data system enable the school to track impact of interventions, parental engagement and wider opportunities?
4. Removing barriers for learning
4.1. How are barriers identified?
5. Creative curriculum
5.1. Working with external agencies e.g. Health professionals
5.1.1. Examples:
6. Communicating learning to parents
6.1. Regular contact
6.1.1. How and when?
6.2. Positive outcomes
6.3. Welcoming ethos
6.4. How do you ensure that parents understand the Grid method for multiplication?
7. Pupils working with technology
7.1. Assistive technologies
8. Cotgrave Candelby Lane School Chris Wheatley School website:
8.1. Assessment, tracking and intervention
8.2. Structured one hour conversations with pupils
8.3. Provision for developing wider outcomes
8.4. Strand One: All means All children will reach their potential
8.4.1. expectation that teachers are responsible for all children in their class whole school accountability. sharing & supporting.
8.5. Strand Two: All staff: a team and creative approach. The interview can be enlightening
8.6. Rigour created for selection of opportunity: e.g. were the TAs accountable? Teacher parent TAs etc you have shared accountability
8.7. In primary we are teaching children, in secondary we teach subjects
9. Leadership opportunities
9.1. about moral core purpose and challenging belief systems
9.1.1. Driven by the senior leadership team bought into by all school community