1. Asset Look Development
1.1. Model Publish
1.1.1. Sup Approval Client Approval 3d Lead Approval
1.1.2. Greyscale Turntable into Shotgun
2. Pre-production
2.1. Production Setup
2.1.1. Shot Breakdowns Breakdown of this concept https://docs.google.com/document/d/14ZeHp0KUhSqkRDVEdVNtHtjdezmUZLmqH41SveesegE/edit
2.1.2. Client educated on pipeline and approval processes and dates
2.1.3. Request reference for Asset Look Development
2.2. New artist intoductions
2.2.1. Provided relevant documentation
2.2.2. Scheduled handover by 3D Team Memeber
2.2.3. Comprehensive Training on CE Tools, on CE Library and workflow
2.3. Previs
2.3.1. Sup Approval 3d Lead Approval Provide on-set data to director
3. Shot into pipe
3.1. Camera Tracking Publish
3.1.1. 3d Lead Approval Layout Publish Sup Approval
3.2. Wireframe Render in Shotgun
4. Production Show Setup
4.1. Relevant plates go into correct folders
4.2. Colour grade / neutral grade per plate created and obtained from client / baselight
4.3. All shot information & Lens Information and Shot Length entered in Shotgun
5. Layout Publish Requirements
5.1. Final Camera Approved
5.2. Final Animation Timings and blocking Approved
5.3. Final Composition Approved
5.4. Environment Low Res Approval
5.5. Send playblast to review
6. Animation Publish
6.1. Export Alembics
6.1.1. Send playlasts of Alembics to review
7. FX Publish
7.1. Export Alembics
7.1.1. Send playlasts of Alembics to review
8. Environments Publish
8.1. Export Alembics
8.1.1. Send playlasts of Alembics to review