Teaching with contrived experiences

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Teaching with contrived experiences por Mind Map: Teaching with contrived experiences

1. Stimulation-Is a representation of a manageable real event in which the learner is a n active participant engaged in learning a behavior or in applying previously acquired skills or knowledge. It needs to have a winner too.

1.1. Other Examples;

1.2. Fire

1.3. Earthquake

2. Model-reproduction of a real thing in a small scale, or exact size but made of synthetic materials.

2.1. Example of modelling to the learner

2.2. 1. Visual instruction plan

2.3. 2. diagram

2.4. 3. figure that provides an image to hang ideas on

2.5. 4. Read aloud:1. building vocabulary 2. To develop the learners understanding 3. Supporting developing connections between print elements 4. encouraging high levels of understanding 5. Teaching the reading process in a meaningful context 6. Modeling fluency 7. Motivating students to read.

3. Mock-up- is an arrangement of a real device or associated devices, displayed in such a way that representation of reality is created.

3.1. Emphasize certain features

3.2. Example:

3.3. 1. Planetarium involves a model of each of the planet and the sun but, focuses on the processes of the planets rotation and so is also considered.

4. Specimens-is any individual or item considered typical of a group , class or whole.

4.1. Example objects

4.2. Preservative insects specimen in science.

4.3. artifacts displayed or objects displayed.

5. Game-similar to simulations but is played to win.

5.1. Games purposes

5.2. To identify gaps or weaknesses in knowledge or skills.

5.3. To practice and or to refine knowledge and skills.

5.4. To serves summation or review, and

5.5. Develop new relationships among concepts and principles.

6. Object-(may also include artifacts) displayed in museums or objects displayed in exhibits or preserved insects specimen in science.

6.1. Objects may include artifacts displayed in museum or displayed in exhibits.

6.2. Example; Let's say science experiment.

6.3. Let the student's investigate the force of gravity and how all objects, regardless of their mass, fall to the ground at the same rate. These activities demonstrate that all objects fall at the same rate, regardless of their mass - a concept known as the law of falling bodies. So, this is a one way of exhibiting to the learners.