Consumer Behavior
by Evelyn YanTing
1. Definition
1.1. The buying behavior or final consumers such as individuals and households who buy goods and comsumption
2. Influencing Factors of Consumer Buyer Behavior
2.1. Culture
2.1.1. Culture
2.1.2. Subculture
2.1.3. Social class
2.2. Social
2.2.1. Reference groups
2.2.2. Family
2.2.3. Roles and status
2.3. Personal
2.3.1. Age and life cycle stage
2.3.2. Occupation
2.3.3. Economic situation
2.3.4. Lifestyle
2.3.5. Personality and self-concept
2.4. Psychological
2.4.1. Motivation
2.4.2. Perception
2.4.3. Learning
2.4.4. Beliefs and attitudes
3. Types of Buying Decision Behavior
3.1. Complex buying behavior
3.2. Dissonance buying behavior
3.3. Variety seeking behavior
3.4. Habitual buying behavior
4. Stages in Buyer Decision Process
4.1. Stage 1 : Problem recognition
4.2. Stage 2 : Information search
4.3. Stage 3 : Evaluation of alternatives
4.4. Stage 4 : Purchase decision
4.5. Stage 5 : Post purchase behavior
5. Adoption Process for New Products
5.1. Stage 1 : Awareness
5.2. Stage 2 : Interest
5.3. Stage 3 : Evaluation
5.4. Stage 4 : Trial
5.5. Stage 5 : Adoption
6. Model of consumer behavior
6.1. Stage 1 : Stimuli 1. Marketing : - Product, Price, Place, Promotion 2. Other Stimuli : - Economic, Technology, Political, Cultural
6.2. Stage 2 : Buyer's black box - Buyer characteristics - Buyer decision process
6.3. Stage 3 : Buyer responses - Buying attitudes and preferences - Purchase behavior what time buyer buys, when, where and how much - Brand and company relationship behavior