1. Ireland government at time
1.1. Irish parliament
1.1.1. After American war, British gave more power
1.1.2. Allowed Irish Parliament to pass laws without approval from Brits
1.1.3. Grattan's parliament
1.2. Unfair, why?
1.2.1. Unrepresentative Only rich, church of Ireland allowed Dominated by Protestant Ascendency
1.2.2. Catholics 75% of population Couldn't become MPs ^ Penal Law
1.2.3. Ulster Presbyterians Very independent Barred from parliament
1.2.4. Only wealthy people could vote in elections Most of population poor Both Protestant and catholic
1.2.5. Not actually independent King ensured no laws he didn't like
1.3. Demand for reform
1.3.1. People wanted change
1.3.2. Protestant ascendancy didn't
1.3.3. French Revolution admired Presbyterians wanted fair government based on French ideals
2. Main events of rebellion
2.1. Society plans rebellion
2.2. Betrayed by spies
2.2.1. McNally and Reynolds
2.2.2. Crushed rebel plans to capture Dublin
2.2.3. Arrested leaders
2.3. Rebellion in Wexford
2.3.1. Since plans crushed, surrounding areas
2.3.2. Why Wexford? People terrified Anger at government's terror
2.3.3. Vinegar Hill = headquarters
2.3.4. Harvey becomes leader
2.3.5. Committee of public safety
2.4. Rebellion in Ukster
2.4.1. Led by Henry Joy McCracken
2.4.2. Defeated in Antrim ^
2.4.3. Munro deafened in Down
2.5. Terror
2.5.1. Rebels turned against in Wexford
2.5.2. Sets barn on fire, has innocents
2.5.3. Massacre of loyalist prisoners too
2.5.4. Harvey resigns, people shocked
2.6. Vinegar Hill
2.6.1. Headquarters captured
2.6.2. Leaders hanged
2.6.3. General Cornwallis sent to restore order
2.6.4. Offered pardon to rebels who surrendered
2.7. Year of the French
2.7.1. Defeat small troop in castlebar
2.7.2. Have to surrender in ballinamuck
2.7.3. Irish executed, French treated well
2.8. Death of Wolfe Tone
2.8.1. another French troop, captured, Tone recognised
2.8.2. Soldier's death refused
2.8.3. Suicide
2.8.4. A week to die
2.9. Robert Emmet
2.9.1. Pitiful rebellion in Dublin
3. Wolfe Tone
3.1. Background
3.1.1. Protestant
3.1.2. Lawyer
3.1.3. Disagreed with British control
3.1.4. An Argument on Behalf of the Catholics of Ireland
3.2. The Society of United Irishmen
3.2.1. Formed in meeting at Belfast, 1791
3.2.2. Middle class Protestants who shared ideas
3.2.3. William Drennan, Thomas Russell, Henry Joy McCracken
3.2.4. Hoped to unite Irishmen of all religions peacefully to achieve a fairer government
3.3. War between France and Britain
3.3.1. British suspicious of society
3.3.2. Find it's pro French, BANNED
3.3.3. Continued in secret
3.3.4. Lord Edward Fitzgerald joins
3.4. Lord Edward Fitzgerald
3.4.1. From Protestant ascendancy
3.4.2. Supported French Revolution
3.4.3. Wanted republic, without Brits
3.4.4. Helped organise military preparations
3.5. Tension over land
3.5.1. Ireland's population growing
3.5.2. Catholics willing to outbid Protestants
3.5.3. Defenders vs Orange Order
3.5.4. Catholics join United Irishmen for protection
3.6. Aims changed
3.6.1. Republic wanted
3.6.2. Violence used
3.6.3. Hoped to unite Irishmen by supporting freedom, regardless of religion
3.6.4. Wanted French help
3.7. The French
3.7.1. Forced to go to America
3.7.2. French willing to help to weaken Brits
3.7.3. Utter disaster expedition
3.7.4. Bantry Bay too stormy
3.7.5. Tone goes to France
3.7.6. French won't send another fleet
4. Causes of rebellion
4.1. British decide to destroy Society
4.1.1. Oath takers executed
4.1.2. Yeomanry
4.1.3. Ulster reign of terror
4.2. Support of French ideals
4.3. Activities of society
4.4. Unfair political system
4.5. Brits vs French war - hope of help
5. Results of rebellion
5.1. Death and destruction
5.1.1. 30,000
5.1.2. Civilians and rebels
5.2. Didn't unite religions
5.2.1. Original Protestant supporters shocked
5.2.2. Massacres gave them fear for what would happen if Ireland gained independence
5.3. British MPs take measures for no more rebellions
5.3.1. Close Irish Parliament
5.3.2. 1801 Act of Union
5.3.3. Don't want France using as base