Organization: Chicago Passport Agency

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Organization: Chicago Passport Agency por Mind Map: Organization: Chicago Passport Agency

1. 7 FAM Training

2. The Chicago Passport Agency is one out of 29 passport application centers. The adjudicators who approve and deny passport applications use the 7 FAM as its main source to make decisions. Training is needed in order for new employees to be able to follow and find information they need within the 7 FAM.

3. Effects of Social Media on employee's motivation to learn the 7 FAM:

4. Collaboration with others (peer motivation).

5. Capture their attentions and engage them.

6. Offers quick feedback that can measure level of understanding.

7. Gives visual representation of content.

8. Ethical Considerations of Integrating Social Media (Lunday, 2010)

8.1. Misuse of worktime

8.2. Disclosure of Confidential or Other Non-Public Information

8.3. Harrassment

8.4. Conflict of Intrest

8.5. Fraud

8.6. Privacy Issues

8.7. Professional Reputation damaged

8.8. Validity of sources

9. Program Competencies Related to Social Media

10. Davey K. (2007). Behaviorism. Learning Theories. Retrieved from Davey K. (2015). Cognitivism. Learning Theories. Retrieved from Earth. (n.d). Mindmeister [online image]. Retrieved from Graduation hat. (n.d). Mindmeister [online image]. Retrieved from Lunday, J. (2010). Managing the Workplace Ethics of Social Media. Corporate Compliance Insights. Retrieved from Pappas, C. (2013). The Adult Learning Theory – Andragogy. Elearning Industry. Retrieved from Person. (n.d). Mindmeister [online image]. Retrieved from

10.1. References

11. Tequila Hansberry AET/570 Gale Cossette

12. Adult Learning Theories

13. Behaviorism: This theory believes that behavior is caused by external stimuli (Davey, 2007). Online learning allows for behavior to change through what is learned.

14. Cognitivism: Is a theory that focuses on inner mental activities of adult learners (Davey, 2015). The social media application Instagram allows employees to collaborate and think by sharing opinions and thoughts.

15. Andragogy: Is the theory that adult learners are self-directed learners, who are internally motivated to learn (Pappas, 2013). All social media accounts that allow collaboration support andragogy by allowing people in the organization to learn what they what from others.

16. Computer Literacy

17. Knowledge of new technology tools

18. Mentoring and Training

19. Collaboration and Communication