conventions of the thriller genre

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conventions of the thriller genre by Mind Map: conventions of the thriller genre

1. Thriller is a broad genre of literature, film and television, having numerous subgenres. Thrillers are characterized and defined by the moods they elicit, giving viewers heightened feelings of suspense, excitement, surprise, anticipation and anxiety. Successful examples of thrillers are the films of Alfred Hitchcock.

2. A thriller usually consists of a battle between the protagonist character and the antagonist, when there is a disruption in the equilibrium.

3. Its typically followed by a chain of bad events building tension and suspense for the climax.

4. Characters

5. The protagonist is often a brave male who seeks to restore the equilibrium.

6. The antagonist will have a hidden identity that the audience will uncover as the film progresses . Often the antagonist goes out for revenge from a past event.

7. cinematography of a thriller

8. Usually thriller films consist of many close up and extreme shots normally of the protagonist, to show emotion as well as directing focus onto key features on the m.e.s to aid the narrative.

9. The shots of the antagnoistic character will cut quickly in efforts to hide their identity.

10. Sound

11. Music is essential in any film to understand the mood of the characters as well as intensifying parts of the film. adding tension and suspense.

12. Often it starts off slow paced and then builds up to create a dramatic presence towards the audience.

13. Mise en scene

14. The location is important for the film because it helps the audience to establish the theme.

15. Lighting is often low key

16. Compostiton

17. make up and hair styles

18. blood and violence

19. low-key lighting to create an atmosphere of suspense or gloom

20. settings include open ambiant places such as wood scenes

21. Heightened diegetic sounds such as doors locking.

22. The aim of the protagonist is to restore justice, while the antagonist seeks to destroy.

23. shadows

24. creating tension through music

25. Low key lighting

26. Quick cuts

27. sharp changes in shot angles

28. Diegetic sound

29. The storyline should be designed so the audience really believe that there is some true to it. Making them realise that they could be threatened by the events in the film.

30. Editing

31. Cross cutting is a key point in editing as it is used to build suspense which is essential for a thriller.

32. Thrillers usually rely on surprise and so jump cuts are essential because there will be things happening that the audience are unaware of but is essential for the film.