Conventions of a thriller film/opening sequence

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Conventions of a thriller film/opening sequence by Mind Map: Conventions of a thriller film/opening sequence

1. Props

1.1. Weapons (such as knives)

1.2. Rope

1.3. Car

1.4. Handcuffs

1.5. Phone/laptop

1.6. Drugs

1.7. Money

2. Iconography

2.1. Urban setting

2.2. Low paced editing

2.3. Fast paced editing

2.4. Slo-motion

2.5. Time-laspe

2.6. Close-up

2.7. Extreme close-up

2.8. Low key lighting

2.9. Jump cuts

2.10. Cross cutting

2.11. Cross fade

2.12. Black and white

2.13. Slow zoom

2.14. Tracking shot

2.15. Sound affects (e.g. gun shots)

2.16. Canted framing

2.17. Pan

2.18. Slow beat music

2.19. Upbeat fast paced music

2.20. Deep breathing

2.21. Tension building/suspense music

2.22. Sinister music

2.23. Costumes

2.24. Blood and injuried

2.25. Violence

2.26. Tight framing

2.27. Derelict, isolated location

3. Narrative

3.1. Non-linear - Doesn't have a structured storyline, this includes a plot twist which confuses the audience.

3.2. Non-linear - The film will start from the middle of the story and find out why something happened later on.

3.3. Omniscient - Where the audience is aware something bad is going to happen but the characters in the film are unaware, this causes suspense and stress.

3.4. Restricted - When the audience is restricted of information about the plot and only know as much as the main character knows. This builds mystery and suspense.

4. Effects created

4.1. Suspense

4.2. Nerve racking

4.3. Tension

4.4. Fear

4.5. Anxiety

4.6. Unknowingness

4.7. Excitement

4.8. Anticipitation

4.9. Stress

4.10. Anger

4.11. Worry

5. Characters

5.1. Villain

5.2. Victim

5.3. Law enforcement officer

5.4. Hero

5.5. Criminal

5.6. Side kick/assitant

5.7. Ghost/spirit

5.8. Bystanders/witnesses

5.9. Causalities

5.10. Mentally ill people

5.11. Authoritative figure

5.12. Vulnerable innocent girl

5.13. Macho man

6. Different types of thrillers

6.1. Action thrillers

6.2. Comedy thrillers

6.3. Crime

6.4. Horror

6.5. Supernatural thrillers

6.6. Psychological thrillers

6.7. Disaster thrillers

6.8. Conspiracy thrillers

6.9. Medical thrillers

6.10. Science fiction thrillers

6.11. Gangster thrillers