1. 6.9 Wrap-up interview
2. 6.8 Legal consequences
2.1. 6.8.1 Introduction
2.1.1. Explanation
2.1.2. MCQ
2.2. 6.8.2 Specific features with respect to IHL
2.2.1. Consequences of state responsibility with respect to IHL violations
2.2.2. MCQ
3. 6.7 Circumstances precluding wrongfulness
3.1. 6.7.1 Introduction
3.1.1. Explanation Art. 20 to 25
3.2. 6.7.2 The relevance of circumstances precluding wrongfulness with respect to IHL
3.2.1. The relevance of circumstances precluding wrongfulness with respect to IHL
4. 6.6 Attribution of conducts to states
4.1. 6.6.1 Introduction
4.1.1. Explanation Art 4, 5, 7
4.1.2. MCQ
4.2. 6.6.2 Attribution of "public" conduct
4.2.1. A lex specialis with respect to attribution of IHL violations by state armed forces
4.2.2. T/F
4.3. 6.6.3 Attribution of "private" conduct
4.3.1. Explanation Art. 8 to 11
4.4. 6.6.4 The control test
4.4.1. Attribution based on the control test
4.4.2. MCQ
4.5. 6.6.5 Absence or default of authority
4.5.1. Explanation Art. 9 ILC commentary on Art. 9
4.5.2. T/F
4.6. 6.6.6 Successful insurrectinonal or separatist movements
4.6.1. Retroactive attribution of acts of rebels
4.6.2. MCQ
4.7. 6.6.7 Adoption of conduct
4.7.1. Explanation Art. 11
4.7.2. T/F
5. 6.5 State Responsibility
5.1. 6.5.1 Introduction
5.1.1. Explanation Responsibility of States for International Wrongful Acts Louvain MOOC on International Law
5.1.2. MCQ
5.2. 6.5.2 Distinct from individual criminal responsibility
5.2.1. State responsibility versus individual criminal responsibility
5.2.2. T/F
6. 6.4 General non-judicial mechanisms
6.1. 6.4.1 Introduction
6.2. 6.4.2 NGOs
6.2.1. Explanation Report of Amnesty International Report by Human Rights Watch (1) Report by Human Rights Watch (2)
6.2.2. T/F
6.3. 6.4.3 The United Nations
6.3.1. The role of the UN in implementing and enforcing IHL
6.3.2. Explanation Resolutions
6.3.3. MCQ
7. 6.3 The ICRC
7.1. 6.3.1 Introduction
7.1.1. ICRC
7.1.2. ICRC: Humanity in Action (YouTube)
7.1.3. MCQ
7.2. 6.3.2 The ICRC as part of the Red Cross/Crescent Movement
7.2.1. Explanation The ICRC''s mandate and mission 1st resolution of the 31st International Conference 2011 32nd International Conference 2015 Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement The Seville Agreement 1997
7.2.2. MCQ
7.3. 6.3.3 The ICRC's functions
7.3.1. The ICRC's functions
7.3.2. ICRC visits Guantanamo for hundredth time (ICRC video)
7.3.3. Explanation
7.3.4. MCQ
7.4. 6.3.4 ICRC as the guardian of IHL
7.4.1. ICRC as the guardian of IHL
7.4.2. A History of Humanity (YouTube)
7.4.3. MCQ
7.5. 6.3.5 ICRC neutrality under discussion
7.5.1. Discussion: Your opinion about the neutrality of ICRC
7.5.2. Principles under fire: does it still make sense to be neutral?
8. 6.2 Non-judicial mechanisms provided by IHL
8.1. 6.2.1 Introduction
8.2. 6.2.2 Obligation to respect and ensure respect for IHL
8.2.1. Explanation 1949 Geneva Conventions 1977 API
8.2.2. The obligation to respect and ensure respect for IHL
8.2.3. Explanation Art. 1, 89, 16, 40, 41 Wall advisory opinion
8.2.4. MCQ
8.3. 6.2.3 Protecting Powers, bilateral and multilateral enquiry procedures
8.3.1. Protecting Powers, bilateral and multilateral enquiry procedures
8.3.2. MCQ