Multiple Sclerosis
by Madison Martinez

1. History
1.1. Who discovered the disease.
1.2. How was it discovered.
1.3. When it was discovered.
2. Treatment/Diagnosis
2.1. Different medicines
2.2. Can it be cured?
2.3. Copaxin
3. Living with MS
3.1. Interviews
3.2. Daily struggles
3.3. Family
3.4. Emotional Issues
3.4.1. Fear
3.4.2. Psedobulbar affect
4. Prevention
4.1. Steps people should take
4.2. Diets
5. Causes
5.1. Vitamin D
5.2. Genes
6. Symptoms
6.1. How it effects the nervous system
6.1.1. Scarring
6.1.2. axons