by Lewis Amezquita

1. Do not judge others like you would not want others to judge you.
2. You cannnot tell a persons natonality by their name or the sound of their voice, sometimes not even the way they look.
3. Stereotypes
3.1. BODY TYPES: people with slimmer figures are athletes or work out, and eat healthy. people more on the heavy side eat a lot are lazy.
3.2. NAMES
3.2.1. Jose- an illegal hispanic who is a drug dealer, high school drop out, someone who might muggle you.
3.2.2. Lin Lang- a really smart chinese person.
3.2.3. Courtney- a rich girl who is the cheerleader, most popular girl in school.
3.2.4. Justin- some redneck who dips and is a jerk.
3.2.5. Shaquan- an African American who might be in a gang.