1. Assessment Data Scores on their practice STAAR in reading
1.1. Student 1 score: 48
1.1.1. Re teach in small group the strategy of book or brain questions to help understand what the question is asking. Will the answer come from the text or will it come from the brain.
1.1.2. Student will use stop and jot strategy to help with comprehension and question answering.
1.2. Student 2 score: 50
1.2.1. Student will use stop and jot strategy to help with reading comprehension.
1.2.2. Student will use red and green questions to help understand reading material. (Jan Richardson strategy) Reteach in small group to ensure comprehension.
1.3. Student 3 score: 46
1.3.1. Student will go back and prove answer in text to ensure that they are taking time to look for answers and reading trough all answer choices in order to choose the best answer.
1.3.2. Student will use book or brain question strategy to ensure that they understand whether the question's answer comes from the text (book) or whether the question's answer comes front the student's own brain based off of what they know. Reteach in small group.
2. H.O.T. Questions
2.1. Opening
2.1.1. What is the theme of this text? OR What is the Genre of this text?
2.1.2. What is the significance or the chart or graph on this page? OR Based off of the picture what do you think this passage will be about?
2.2. Guiding
2.2.1. What was the main idea of this passage?
2.2.2. How does this passage/text connect to other things that we have learned in school?
2.3. Closing
2.3.1. Fiction: If you could write a part 2 to this story, what would happen next?
2.3.2. Nonfiction: What are some ways that we can use what we learned from this text?
3. Summative
3.1. Summative assesments occur at the end of a unit or at the end of a year to assess all that the students have learned.
3.1.1. Standardized tests (STAAR)
3.1.2. Research projects
3.1.3. Final Exams
4. Performance
4.1. Performance exams are where a student performs a task rather than just pick an answer. This measures more authentic knowledge of the student.
4.1.1. Writing assignments
4.1.2. Open ended questions or have a student explain the significance in some historical event.
5. Diagnostic
5.1. This is testing that occurs before the lesson taught. This just shows the teacher what it is the students already know about a subject or content so that they know where to start.
5.1.1. Pre- test
5.1.2. Beginning of year BAS or other reading test (AR STAR)
6. Interim/Benchmark
6.1. Benchmark tests are short tests given throughout the school to see how the students are doing on TEKS taught up to that point in the year. Teachers can use these to measure student growth and to plan future instruction.
6.1.1. Testing at set intervals throughout the year to monitor the progress of students (benchmark testing)
6.1.2. BAS, or other reading test, testing in the middle of year to show growth mid way through the year.
7. Formative
7.1. The Process of gathering evidence of student learning, providing feedback, and adjusting instructional strategies to enhance achievement.
7.1.1. Quizzes
7.1.2. Observations